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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth unemployment is a major issue across the whole of the EU and Schools, Colleges, Governments, Governmental Organisations and NGOs are working together to improve the outlook for Europe's future workforce. The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan is built on three main pillars: 1 Entrepreneurial education and training 2.Creation of an environment where entrepreneurs can flourish and grow, and 3.Developing role models and reaching out to specific groups whose entrepreneurial potential is not being tapped to its fullest extent or who are not reached by traditional outreach for business support. This project was brought about by the requirement to work towards generating results which will contribute in a transversal manner towards the achievement of this action plan. The EU-Preneurs project has the potential to transform the way Entrepreneurship is fostered through the Education System. Educational partners from across Europe will unite in output-driven activity to build capacity to support Entrepreneurship and to develop curriculum. 20 representatives from partners will attend the Transnational Meeting in Spain. These people will steer the project in each of their own organisations and will be experienced project managers. 140 participants (80 teachers/60 learners) will have the opportunity join work camps and a further 170 participants will take part in multiplier events attached to intellectual outputs. Curriculum Development Partners will collaborate to introduce new strategies to teaching and learning, which will improve outcomes for young people considering self-employment as a positive progression from their studies. The main output of this objective will be the creation of teaching materials and compilation through a publication in the form of a book which can be used by teachers in a horizontal manner to enhance the curriculum across all subjects. Capacity building for teaching/training We want to achieve this objective and can measure its success through the number of young people partners have supported into entrepreneurship. We plan to achieve this by using disparate approaches to overcome the main barriers to Entrepreneurship. We will engage teachers through activities, work camps, discussion, case studies. The work of the project will focus minds and require activity to be undertaken, which will push entrepreneurship up the agenda of all partner organisations. We will agree activities in each centre and use the results to shape future delivery of entrepreneurship programmes. Capacity Building for Learning By introducing an internationalised and transversal approach we will work together to motivate and inspire young people to build their own business idea. We will use technology to engage them and introduce a competitive element to the process with the opportunity to work internationally and transversally with learners from partner organisations. The success of this objective will be measured through quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the learner experience. Creation of an Environment where entrepreneurs can flourish The project team will set up an internet based platform for business ideas and has a clear strategy for disseminating the work of the project across all partner organisations and their networks. The project team will develop support tools and group work including international work camps to support learners through their exciting journey to the world of work. Furthermore partners will undertake activity to embed this fostering approach across the whole curriculum of each partner organisation as the project progresses. We will adapt PRINCE2 style methodology to break the project into its component parts and from there create work packages for each component. The results can be measured in terms of improved job outcomes for learners and the physical outputs of the project in terms of the publication and web platform for business ideas. This project will have a positive impact on employment rates for leavers from partner organisations. It will build confidence, instil knowledge, empower teachers and learners and raise employment. EU-Preneurs has all the right ingredients for being self sustainable long into the future and the dissemination activity will ensure that measures and steps taken are widely noticed, recognised and emulated.
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4 Partners Participants