Search for European Projects

EU Governance
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project is to strengthen the European Studies of the Southwest Jiaotong University(SWJTU) of China with the priority: EU Governance, and to enhance the knowledge background on EU with the enlargement of academic network of European Studies in Chengdu and China.SWJTU is one of the leading higher education institutions in China focusing on technologies, sciences and humanities, specialized on transportation technology. The discipline of Traffic and Transportation Engineering ranks first in China. Disciplines like Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering are also among the best in China. SWJTU has 29,000 undergraduate students and 15,000 post-graduate students.European language and culture has been one of the teaching and research priorities at SWJTU since 1985. During 1990s, SWJTU had implemented several Europe-China collaboration projects. Since then, SWJTU decided to develop European Studies and invited Prof. ZHOU Hong(the then-director of the Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, IES/CASS) as an honorary Professor starting from 2004. After retired, she accepted the offer by SWJTU as a distinguished professor and helped SWJTU build the Centre for European Studies (CES) and took the position of Chair of Academic Board of the Centre. Since its foundation, the CES has been participating and playing an active role in the activities of Chinese Association for European Studies and Cross-Strait Association for European Studies, and strives to enhance the status and role of SWJTU in China’s EU research academic circles. Meanwhile in order to better expand SWJTU students’ international horizon to adapt to the going global of China’s high-speed railway, SWJTU supports Prof. Dr. ZHOU and her team in the application for the Jean Monnet Chair, to strengthen European Studies in teaching, training and research. This goal shall be realized by related teaching courses, research, deliverable and workshops.

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