European Projects
EU-FP: Formación en centros de trabajo europeos
EU-FP: Formación en centros de trabajo europeos
Start date: Jul 1, 2015,
End date: Jun 30, 2016
The “Dales la Palabra” Foundation, through its center Tres Olivos School develops a project of inclusive education for students with hearing impairment since it´s opening in Madrid in 2001. The objective of foundation is to reduce the limitations that this disability that causes in personal development or in the acquisition and development of oral and written language as well as to fight the negative academic, social and labor implications that these limitations implies.
Tres Olivos School offers to students with hearing impairment the opportunity to do, not only the compulsory education stages; primary and Secondary education, but also to continue their education on high school or Vocational Training, thereby providing better opportunities to integrate in the university or working world. The two Vocational Training Courses; Microcomputer Systems and Networks Technician and Pharmacy and Pharmacy Technician, offered at “Tres Olivos” School are running since 2009. Currently the number of students enrolled in both courses is 180 students, in which coexist listeners and hearing impaired students.
Due to the current economic crisis in Europe, we see the need to offer our students the opportunity to improve their professional and personal skills to facilitate their entry into the professional world. We consider the Erasmus + a unique opportunity to help them to do their training in different workplaces in Europe. One of the most common problems among students of Vocational Training is the absenteeism and school failure. We believe this opportunity will help all of them to achieve educational success, even those with limited financial resources. In addition, from speech therapy team, it is encouraged to facilitate the access to this project to hearing impaired students with support.
Therefore, the development of the Erasmus + scholarship at our center focuses on the realization of part of the internship (Training at Work) abroad. The selected students successfully completed the theoretical part of the course and were ready to implement the knowledge acquired during the two years of training in an internship.
We have offered 6 mobility programs in 3 different European countries: Ireland, Italy and Portugal. Our partners in those countries have experience in running vocational training programs and have a wide network of companies used to work with foreign trainees. Due to their experience in European projects they believe and bet on the internationalization of the educational practices and labor practice.
Our mobility program has lasted for six weeks. Collaboration and communication with our partners, the companies and the beneficiaries has been constant and smooth, promoting the use of ICT.
The Department of European Projects was established at the beginning of this project and it has been responsible for the communication of eligibility requirements to the students, the communication with partners and businesses, the development of preparatory activities, continuous monitoring of the development of the program, contacting with students, tutors and intermediary partners as well as the dissemination of the project.
The main objective of this project is to provide better training to our students by promoting cooperation between businesses and training centers. With this experience, we have sought the knowledge and skills acquisition to help the personal and professional development of our students.
Through the experience itself and the information displayed on the web and the briefings at the school we have tried to make more attractive the Vocational Training. We believe the Erasmus + program can help to prevent school failure, absenteeism and dropouts, motivating students to learn other languages and the improving their linguistic communication competence. The students also learn about the productive systems of other companies in the European environment, enhance their entrepreneurial talent, autonomy and personal responsibility.
As an innovative center with an international character, we provide quality teaching and we are glad to offer our students the opportunity to live a rewarding working experience in Europe through the Erasmus + program.