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EU experience for nursing students and teachers
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The applying organization is Secondary School of Nursing Ljubljana with 90 employees, aproximately 950 students in youth education and 250 students in adult education unit. The school offers two programmes: health care and nursing assistant. So far, the school has been involved as a partner organization in two mobilty projects with SŠFKZ and co-ordinated an LdV VETPRO mobility project. This project is the first independent project of this size for the applying organization.The 2-year mobility project will address the last year students from the health care programme, the teachers of theoretical-professional subjects and practical education and general teaching subjects, and also mentors at practical training from the health and social institutions.It will take place in 6 European countries in 7 educational organizations with expectedly 40 mobility participants. At least 24 students will perform their 1-month-long compulsory practical training in adequate organizations in Finland, Denmark, Chech Republic and Latvia. During their first week of mobility, every group of students will be accompanied by a teacher, all together 8 of them. Experience shows, that an accompanying teacher is very useful, because she/he can offer efficient help to students when getting used to independency. She/he also gets familiar with students' accomodation and work conditions. During 1- week long mobility, 4 teachers will get familiar with educational systems in health care in two countries, with whom school hasn't co-operated before: France and Spain. They will compare curriculum, practical training, organization of the school. If these two partner schools will prove themselves as reliable partners, we intend to expand co-operation with possible students and teacher mobilities. 4 mentors of practical training from health and social organizations will attend a 1-week mobility in two institutions in Denmark and Finland, where they will get familiar with the mentoring job. These two countries were chosen for their tradition and success in this field. We only introduced mentors in practical training relatevely recently, so we expect good results from the job- shadowing of experienced colleagues.We plan to use European certificates, such as Europass mobility and Europass CV.A Memorandum of Agreement will be signed with partner schools, with the roles of each partner accurately defined. With the participants, we expect the mobilities to have an effect on developement of their professional, linguistic, personal, inter-cultural and European competences, which will raise their employment possibilites at home and abroad.The long-term aim of the project is to establish and enhance co-operation with similar schools abroad and to consolidate our position of a reliable project partner.

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