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EU Centre's Policy Research and Debate on Challenges to Multiculturalism and Multilateralism in Europe and Southeast Asia
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed Network, coordinated by the EU Centre in Singapore, seeks to understand two key challenges facing Europe and Southeast Asia – Challenges to Multiculturalism brought about by migration, identity politics and radicalisation to societies in Europe and Southeast Asia; and Challenges to Multilateralism faced by the European Union (EU) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Network will bring together experts and researchers from Southeast Asia and Europe through its four partner institutions to exchange knowledge and deepen research into issues relating to Multiculturalism and Multilateralism. The proposed activities will include Summer School for senior undergrads / master students on these two broad themes, research conferences allowing for experts to present their findings and engage in debates and dialogue with policy makers and curriculum development workshop to translate the research and insights to teaching material and interesting modules for the universities. Complementing the activities will be a series of online publications such as policy briefs, discussion papers, blog posts and two edited volumes, one on the subject of Challenges to Multiculturalism and the other on Challenges to Multilateralism.The Network will contribute to international scholarship on issues challenging multiculturalism such as migration, radicalisation and terrorism, and those concerning the EU’s and ASEAN’s approach to multilateralism and their cooperation in multilateralism forums such as ARF and ASEM. Through its Summer Programme, it will also encourage student exchange between different higher education institutions and engender inter-cultural dialogue and mutual learning. The Network will also ensure its research has policy relevance by engaging policy makers and publishing a series of policy briefs. Finally, through its website and social media platform the results and activities of the Network will be disseminated to the broader public.

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