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Etude comparée des Services aux Personnes en Italie et en France
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Erasmus Plus project is the second training session in Italy from the MFR la Riffaudière ; last year Leonardo Da Vinci has financed the first project for their first training in March 2014. Erasmus plus is dedicated this time for 32 pupils in third year of a Community and Social Care Services A level. They, not only, need to develop their mobility, but they also need to open their mind to foreign culture and their autonomy, their desire to learn a new language so that they will have the wish to go on with their studies. It might also encourage themselves to adapt their professionnal vision of social care field. We are highly helped by the regional organization of social care in Toscany to prepare this project and we have developped a strong partnership. Indeed, about ten italian professionnal people, future trainers, came to visit the MFR partners in health care service. Nursing homes and schools will be the pupils training places. The aims of this project for the pupils are to confront themselves and aquire new professionnal abilities, to be more autonomous and mobile, to develop their open-mindness and curiosity, their European citizenship, their will to practice a foreign language and will to go on with their studies. For the MFR, it is about to be recognized as an establishment open on Europe, to exercice the timeshare pedagogy (half time spent at school and half time at work placement) at a European level and to make the MFR movement known. It will also allow the MFR to work in partnership with another european country, to give the teachers the opportunity to discover new professionnal pratices and a different culture, to create new and different links with pupils and finally, to mobilize the professionnals of social care services and awake their interest. We have therefore define the aims for the french trainers : be sensibilized to the differences in between french and italian taking care of the publics, another way to see the work through the pupils experiences, especially on the time and human notions and to exchange on professionnal practises. For our mediator in Italy, it will allow them to build a common project in between the ASP (Public Service Organization) thanks to the intervention of all the nursing homes of the region and to think on the possiblity to send professionnals to discover social care in France. This project which is a year long, will permit to prepare in the best ways the pupils before going on their training places and for each subject given at school. It will also reassure them and their family so that the training will take place in the best conditions. The pupils, will then leave for Italy during two weeks, with two teachers from the MFR, for the entire lasting of the training in Toscany, in two different places. When they are back in France, we will evaluate the impacts of the project and we will make them known to the pupils, to their families, to the MFR staff, to the trustees and we wish to insist this time on transmitting them to the professionnals of the social care services on the territory. The training in Europe will happen inside another training, called the «examiniation training» in France : the pupils will be in their french training places before and after their italian training places, which should ensure and help the exchanges with the professionnals and the interest they will show to this initiative. For the future, we hope for a better employability for the pupils, a better recognition for the MFR on its territory as well as with its connexion and in the MFR movement beyond the borders. Later, we would like to develop a partnership with a scholarship establishment in Italy in order to allow the italian pupils to come to France in training in the professionnal organization.
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