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"Etre mobile, c'est possible..."
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aisne is going through a difficult socio-economic context at the moment. -This area receives a great amount of financial aid to encourage mobility. It is located in « zone 1 » because it has very little access to culture and its unemployment rate is high (15.1% for the second half of 2013(INSEE) whereas it is 10.1 % in France). -La Capelle is relatively isolated because, although it is in the middle of several areas of activity, it is far from them and it is also quite far from the major trunk roads . However, it is in the heart of Europe and this can be seen as an advantage. These data reinforce our will to make young people more mobile, so that they can apply for jobs in more companies, and then increase their chances to find a job. Mobility becomes really important when people start looking for a job and meeting CEOs who could hire them. Today, moving, having the motivation to progress is essential if you want to meet potential employers. The objectives of the mobility project are: -Answer to engagement n°18 of the MFR: “ Propose different actions to make young people and adults aware of sustainable Development , adopt an outward-looking attitude ». -Guide the students on the way to employability -Think about what is the best choice of career or studies (competitive exams, schools located far from their hometown). -Help the students to take on responsibilities and to feel self-confident. -Develop their autonomy. -Encourage European citizenship. -Make the students acquire new professional, civic and social skills. The group concerned by our project is composed of 25 students of Bac Pro SAPAT, aged from 16 to 19. These young people attend classes about the development of services for people who need help (children, elderly people, and disabled people). It’s not easy to lead a young person to be mobile, to do a 4-week experience, in a European country. Thus, it is essential to work on mobility, prior to this experience. (In first year, 2nd year and in 3rd year). A progressive training towards mobility is integrated in the training plan of bac pro SAPAT.(survey, interviews, school trip to Paris where they only use public transport, work experience outside the area (minimum 50km away)). The profile of the participants: -Very few of them are holders of a driving licence -Nearly a quarter of these teenagers never go on holiday -They are more or less mobile and it often depends on the socio-professional category of their parents -The lack of self-confidence often induces the fear of leaving one’s hometown -Being face to face with strangers or foreigners is often perceived as frightening. -As they are not very good at foreign languages, they are afraid of going abroad. -The level of training has an impact on mobility. During their work experience, the students will improve their professional, language and social skills. -Communication: with their tutor, the public and the staff. (There’s a need to communicate about every day activities) -Organization of work (they are aware of he limits of their intervention, they implement the rules of hygiene and safety). -Catering (They prepare snacks, meals and help people during the meals) -Hygiene of the premises (They clean the premises, apply the principles of hygiene, to prevent infection) Besides the activities that have been planned during the work placement, they will discover the habits and customs of the host country through recreational activities provided during the weekends (sport, leisure, city tours, and museums). With regard to project management: -The MFR gets in touch with its various local and European partners to start a new mobility project. -The students and their families are kept informed about the project through different meetings. -The young volunteers are interviewed and selected. -The MFR manages the logistical and organizational aspects with the various partners (travel, insurance, housing, social security, tutors in the host countries, negotiation for the contracts of the work placements and the program of activities). -The teachers go to the host countries to meet the hostess families and the tutors, and sign the contracts during the preparatory visit. -The participants have a week of pedagogic preparation. -Work placement in Poland and in Germany from October 18th to November 16th 2014. -Assessment with the tutors and the trainees. -Closing ceremony of the 2014 European project. The expected outcomes, impacts and benefits have several requirements: -Is the continuity of the project guaranteed? -Does it develop a partnership? -Does it help the students to feel more confident in the outside world? -Does it abolish the fears of the students about mobility? Does it remove the cognitive brakes? -Does it value the MFR, giving it another external dimension? -Did it enable the participants to develop their mobility? -Does it improve their employability?

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