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Ethnofonik - musiques traditionnelles / rencontres actuelles
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2009, AOLF has been actively participating to the organisers international network of Ethnocamps. Based on a non formal learning of music by ear, these exchange projects adress the participant to share their cultural background by sharing songs from their own traditional musics. The young participants not only attending workshops but also taking it in turns to lead their own. To facilitate the music and cultural exchange process and support the participants, the group is supervised by artistic and pedagogic facilitators who are professional youth leaders and musicians. They especially have an essential rele to ensure the interaction between the young participants and the local communities living in the area where the project is implemented. AOLF and its partners work to improve the quality of the meeting of cultures and people through music, with international projects as a lever to foster for the respect of cultural diversity by each and everyone and fight againstin discrimination and prejudices. AOLF and its partners are here organising a training course on the theme « fostering the meeting and exchange between the youngster of an international music project and the local communities » foster the quality and impacts of these projects with training and giving tools to the youth workers involved.18 participants from 6 European countries, will experiment and question the roles and approaches of the pedagoic and artistic facilitators in the Ethno projects. The training will be held from 24th November to 3rd Décember 2016, in Evry and more widely in the Paris region of France. « Ethnofonik - musiques traditionnelles / rencontres actuelles » is a comprehensive, interactive training course aimed at providing the participants with the tools to facilitate the intercultural meetings through music between youth groups and local communities. To reach that aim, the project will provide the participants, youth leaders and musicians themselves, with musical and social training, enabling them to become effective coaches to foster this them, in the context of international exchanges and more wildely for any intercultural project with youth. The combination of participative workshops, role playing, group discussions, masterclasses and performances, adopting an interactive approach and a constant reflection and evaluation, will alternate throughout the training. The participants will work on:- Reflecting on and sharing previous coaching experiences of youth music groups in reltionship with local communities, together with experimenting specific type of pedagogical approaches offered by the international trainers team.- Understanding the relevance of this type of coaching to encourage active participation of young musicians, to foster their will and capacity to meet and interact with diverse local communities;- Identifying and improving specific knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in artistic coaching and fnvolvement of local communities in international projects- Putting tools, methods, techniques and materials into practice in real workshop situations. The results presented during the training to the French audience will be some open rehearsals for school classes, a series of masterclasses on traditional music for young French musicians, designed and run by the Ethnofonik participants, small concerts in neighbouring structures, some web radio programs, and two public concerts by a band formed of all the Ethnofonik participants, performing original arrangements of traditional tunes from the participants countries. The results will then be available online on the Internet : the artistic results recordings and a “guide of good practices” gathering the capitalisation of all the tools, reflexions, methods and techniques used during this training (activity modules presentations, facilitating tools and technics). On the long term, this training is aiming to the large scale development of activities fostering the meetings and interactions between youth groups and the local communities, whether during international and/or music projects to foster empowerment of the young musicans in the exchange of their culture to foster cultural diversity and tolerance, sense of intitative and entrepreneurship..
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5 Partners Participants