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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ET Mobility 2016 project is the result of the actions planned in the strategic lines of our institution, mainly those related to internationalization and specifically the ones related to students' mobility.Institut Escola del Treball has a long trajectory in mobility projects. This is the reason why the school belongs to the European network NETNVET which promotes the mobility of students, both for work placement and study periods. The school works with the aim of achieving the final recognition of the learnings done abroad and this is the reason why it pays special interest to the ECVET recommendation. The school works in line with the recommendation an this is why it promotes the use of instruments that allow transfer and recognition of the learnings done by our students in other European countries.The projects plans 4 mobility fluxes: two fluxes with 6 students of Carpentry and Furniture (3 students per year) and two fluxes for 8 students of Commercial Activities (4 students per year). They will go to Finland and Italy for their internships. These will take place in the Finnish school of Mikkeli and in the shops of Thiene and Vicenza.The objectives of the project are: the improvement of the professional competences of our students of Carpentry and Furniture and of Commercial Activities, specially those related to the assembly of furniture, wood processing, sales and shop window design. Also, the improvement of the linguistic and inter-cultural competences. The mobility periods planned will give our students the opportunity to experiment in other contexts and, eventually, grow as professionals. We hope this will result in a better employability.As for the accompanying teachers, we expect they will also benefit from the experience as they will be able to exchange materials and resources with their Finnish and Italian counterparts and get to know other methods which can be transfered to their teaching. We also expect they will take the opportunity to improve their linguistic and communicative competences.As for the impact, we hope the students will be able to use the knowledge acquired abroad once back at school and later on in their future employment. Their training abroad will result into a benefit for our school and for the rest of the learners as they will be able to share their experiences and knowledge. They will also feel encouraged to follow the same path and participate in future mobility periods. It will also result into the benefit for the different business sectors of the city. The relationship that the school has both with the Carpentry and Commerce associations is very tight and there is no doubt that they will value these mobilities as this will result into a better preparation of the future professionals of both sectors.

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