Search for European Projects

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. INS ESCOLA DEL TREBALL AND EUROPE: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Our school has a long tradition in the development of European projects with Finland. Teachers from countries are used to work together and promote the exchange of Finnish and Spanish students. That is the reason why during the present academic year 2014-15, we decided to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries to promote future projects 2. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: The main aim of these six mobilities is to do the internship in a European country in the fields of Carpentry and Electricity. Apart from this, students also should: -improve their job-related skills -raise their linguistic competence in a foreign language: English -better their social skills in a new environment -promote good understanding and fluent collaboration in the foreign enterprises 3. PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS: 6 STUDENTS AND 2 TEACHERS: The students participating in this mobility were all male students of VET. Four of them study Carpentry and the other two students study Electricity. The two teachers involved in the project were: the coordinator of the mobility and a teacher from Carpentry. 4. DESCRIPTION OF UNDERTAKEN ACTIVITIES: The main activity of our students in Mikkeli was the development of their internships in different Finnish enterprises. But, of course, they also participated in different visits and activities: -Visit to the University of Applied Sciences of Mikkeli (one of our students will attend a summer course next August 2015 in this university to enrich his knowledge about the building of Finnish wooden houses) - Practise of different sports such as: ice hockey, ice skating, bandi, forest orientation? -Visits to Helsinki, Lathi and Imatra Cultural experiences: sauna, smoked fish, deer meat, meal timetables, coffee breaks? 5. RESULTS AND IMPACT ATTAINED - LONG-TERM BENEFITS: All the students who participated in this project are happy and would like to participate in other European projects. Also, one of our students has enrolled a course on how to build Finnish houses at the University of Applied Sciences of Mikkeli, Finland. Moreover, our school and the Finnish school signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote future collaborations.
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