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Estudiar y trabajar en el extranjero: una nueva dimensión a la movilidad en Europa de técnicos de laboratorio.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus+ KA102 project in the call 2015 by the IES Pare Vitoria with the title "working and studying abroad: a new dimension to mobility in Europe for laboratory technicians" has been successfully carried out according to your policy quality and internationalization We have achieved with this project our VET students acquire language skills and additional training, experience in European companies, meet new cultures and ways of working, suitable for incorporation into the labor market. We have analyzed in this project learning outcomes in both VET studies and we have developed teaching materials common in English. We have discussed in several meetings with faculty, both in Germany and in Spain, what training modules have in common in the future to establish ECVET. We have strengthened the links between education and business, because of visits by teachers in different German companies where our students have conducted training practices and other companies visited by teachers who made the mobility The project with our German partner has established for future projects that our students can do internships over longer periods, and lso they will do technical English classes at the Vocational Education Center of the partner country The mobility has been made to Germany by 6 students and 3 teachers. Students have been 2 weeks in the partner country and teachers 5 days. The visit to Germany was held in April 2016 and the German partners we visited in January 2016. It has been 6 students of VET intermediate level in Lab Tech for mobilities. These students have done a training period in the host center combined with a traineeship in companies in Quality control and laboratory technicians sector. It has been selected 3 teachers in the project. Teachers selected teach in VET The process of selection of candidates has been conducted in a transparent and clear manner, giving all applicants an opportunity to make mobility. The Erasmus + Coordination Team, consisting of the Director, the coordinator Erasmus +, the FCT coordinator, counselor and two teachers selected, has been commissioned to inform and make the selection of participants. It has been developed teaching materials according to professional qualifications and basic skills acquired by students. Especially in the training module of chemical and instrumental analysis. The activities have included stays at school host joint activities with students from the partner center according to plan by the partners. They have visited several companies related to the sector they belong Technical studies in laboratory operations and have conducted training practices. The cooperation has made establishing prior agreements between the institutions where they have specified the roles, responsibilities, and commitment to quality criteria in the selection, preparation, reception and integration of the participants. It has been assigned two tutors for the students, one in the host center and the other in the reception center, which have been in touch each other organizaning the mobility as during and after hanging to analyze , apply and disseminate the results. The tutor of the host country has guided and supported the students throughout mobility. The tutor of the sending country has overseen via email, phone, Whatsapp, monitoring student progress achieved. Students and teachers mobilities are vital in vocational training to prepare them in today's society and ensure future competitiveness and innovation in Europe. The impact of this project has been to continue entering the center in the mobilities of Erasmus + student of VET intermediate level. This is our second project after the call for 2014 has also had an impact on improving knowledge and teaching to be applied in the classroom by teachers and establish the basics for the future addition of ECVET. Another impact on the realization of this project has been an increase in the prestige of the VET and also that students raise awareness of the importance of lifelong learning in the EU. Today, thanks to these projects we have successfully completed, we have two consolidated partners in the Netherlands and Germany. In September we welcomed two Dutch students to do their training programme in workplaces in a company in Alcoi during 4 months.
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