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Estrategias educativas inclusivas en contexto europeo mediante 5 acciones fundamentales
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Immersed in a reality characterized by social exclusion, early dropout and serious problems related with cohexistence among the different cultures in the area, as well as by a 98% of Roma pupils, our center has been working for the last years, either from the strict scholar point of view or from the social inclusion perspective, to present iself as an educative and social proactive reference in the area of Cabañal, in Valencia (Spain).Under-equipped in assets and resources, our school can count on a wide typology of professionals keen on education and social inclusion, who have been performing several teacher trainings focused on these topics along the past years and do not hesitate in working more hours in order to cover the neighborhood needs.Thanks to the creation of our Leranin Community (LC) we could involve pupils, volunteers, families and neighbours in a project that aims to deal with many cohexistence-disruptive elements.Nevertheless we need to improve and extend our competencies, in order to face our challenges. For this reason we selected a limited number of teachers (7), that represent the variety of profiles on which our school rely to develop its work: the headmaster, the director of studies, the english teacher, the 3rd primary tutor, the secondary school tutor, the pre-school educator, the social worker.Each one has selected two mobilities that reflect how to cover their pedagogical needs and that fit perfectly our European Development Plan, based on five pillars:CreativityAbsenteeism and DropoutInterculturalityCohexistence and ParticipationModernization (ICTs)Two of them will also develp the Job Shadowing activity scheduled with our Hungarian partner, a primary school with pupils who face serious social inclusion problems, among which there's a relevant percentage of Roma pupils.The training courses will focus on creativity development, absenteeism and dropout prevention, implementation of new methodologies for English learning, ICTs consolidation, the study of interculturality and the implementation of new dynamics focused on improving cohexistence and participation.We expect to accomplish selected targets in the short, middle and long term: lowering scholar absenteeism; improving the acknowledge of curricular contents; a deeper involvement of the pupils in the class activities; increasing the number of our LC members; improving both quality and quantity of educational proposals by either teachers or memebers of the LC; improving cohexistence in the school and in the area; help the whole LC understand the diversity of european cultures in which we live, in order to foster our status of European citizens.We expect the following long-term benefits: improving our pupils scholar output; foster the interest of our children and their families in secondary and university education; include in our LC a growing number of associations and institutions placed in the area; cooperating with other social actors in the construction of useful project for the area; reduce the factor os social exclusion for the Roma families in the area.
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