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Estágios profissionais: Uma aventura pela Europa III.
Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Jun 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Professional training: an adventure through Europe III” has the purpose to promote learning. The Secondary School João de Deus (ESJD) has 120 students attending different professional courses. As these students are the target group of this project we’d like to offer those who have had a good school performance, a curricular training by praising them for their effort and dedication as well as by giving them a positive incentive in order to promote success. The profile of a professional student is as follows: He/she has failed at least once throughout his/her school curriculum, is constantly at risk of dropping out school, comes from families of very low social class with very low income, with little motivation for learning and resistant to new ideas not only discriminating the others but also discriminating themselves. However, they are very creative students, able to develop innovative and interesting projects and feel very surprised when they are praised for their work. This professional training is not new. Many of them have already taken one of these trainings when they finished 9th form and every candidate is going to take a training in the 10th, 11th and 12th forms in local or regional companies in their professional area of studies. We require the mobility for 10 students who will have the chance to take their training abroad, in order to give them the chance to get in touch with companies which are a reference in the technological area. Furthermore, because our school is the reference school for “deaf “ students, we’d like to offer them the same opportunities even though they have other needs , namely an interpreter of Portuguese sign language mastering the English language. The aim of this project is to value the professional technological courses, enhancing the link between school and companies as well as avoiding the premature dropping out of school system and fighting discrimination. We intend to promote an education that is according to students’ needs and expectations and to reinforce skills and professional competences which are essential factors for the educational success of our students. As a result of this we expect our students to develop new competences in the areas of languages and ICT, considered as key elements, and to promote social inclusion and active citizenship, endowing this young people with a competitive advantage in the world of work, which comes from their exposure to other European cultures and languages and from a certificated and internationally recognised education Our partner entity is a private polish company founded in 2012 with the purpose of promoting education/training in different age stages (children, teens, adults). This entity possesses human resources with a great and varied experience in professional training as well as in lifelong learning programs (Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci) besides the great knowledge they have of the work market in Poland.

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