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Establishment of business support library cross border network (Business library)
Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project covers Bauska and Rundale counties in Latvia and Pakruojis, Pasvalys and Birzai districts in Lithuania. The project focuses on a number of problems that currently are common to Latvia and Lithuania, namely: lack of sustainable business ideas, lack of effective business promotion instruments for municipalities and concentration of business supporting measures and services in urban areas. We have chosen public libraries as a central point for project activities and a main supporing instrument for promotion of entrepreneurship. Objective of the project is to promote competitive entrepreneurship in cross border of Latvia and Lithuania providing easy access to the business supporting measures at rural territories. The direct objectives are: 1) To establish a cross border network of business support libraries (BSL) as business resource centers on basis of existing network of public libraries; 2) To facilitate physical and virtual access to established resource centers; and 3) To promote entrepreneurship mentality in the region via complex entrepreneurship promotion activities for local youth, potential entrepreneurs and existing SMEs. Objectives will be achieved through three work packages: WP 1: Management and coordination of the project; WP 2 Establishment of business support library network and WP3 Investments. The Lead Partner is Bauska local municipality council, partners are bordering district municipalities from Pakruojis, Pasvalys, Biržai (Lithuania) and Rundale (Latvia). NGO Business club Bauska 97 will participate as associated partner. The choice of the partners is based on the long lasting cooperation ties, each partners specific experience in different fields and lack of resources to provide business supporting services locally. Through project Partners will establish a strong network where each partner's experience, information and knowledge is important for other partners and for potential users of BSL services. Project has three main target groups: 1) the school youth aged 13 to 19, 2) potential entrepreneurs including wide range of population, and 3) business start-ups and existing businesses. The following outcomes are expected: In total 5 business support libraries will be established during the project (one in each municipality) and other 118 libraries will serve as supporting and connecting points to BSL resources. Each BSL also will include “one stop shop” for entrepreneurs where at least 25 municipal e-services will be provided. Through this project around 500 school youth will take part in the local business idea contests, 25 local contest winners will attend the business summer school, approx 200 potential entrepreneurs participate in different activities, and around 400 existing SMEs participate in 4 local business fairs, open days, discussions and in final conference. 5 BSL venues will be renovated and equipped. Expected Results: As a result of the project partners together will provide at least 25 new e-services for entrepreneurs available at “one stop shops”. Established 5 business support libraries with 118 local supporting libraries will provide a dense network of public places where business supporting information can be obtained and services provided. Renovation works for BSL venues in Ritausma, Pasvalys and Pakruoja library will be provided including renovation of training venues and installation of 2 lifts for disabled persons. Renovation will be provided at these parts of library that will be used for BSL functions (provision of business information, access to the electronic catalogue of books, “one stop shops”, educational seminars, video conferences). Premises in Pakruojis municipality administration will be adapted to one-stop-shop. Five fully operating BSL's with 118 supporting libraries will be established at the end of the project creating dense BSL network in the project area. The BSL services will be available at BSL central location and at any local public library in the existing local library network (40 libraries in LV and 83 libraries in LT). Each BSL will include at least one “one stop shop” providing a number of municipal e-services customized for local needs.

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  • 85%   704 985,29
  • 2007 - 2013 Latvia-Lithuania (LV-LT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants