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Establishment of a mechanism for interregional cooperation on project development and implementation (E-PIPELINES)
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Based on the positive experience gained in these two projects, the partnership is now being extended to Lithuania, Denmark and Sweden. E-Pipelines aims to establish a compatible project development and implementation system in all five partner municipalities that can be used as an efficient project pipeline and thus support cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Achievements: The main activities of the operation include maintaining of efficient co-ordination and management system and development of the joint framework (data base) for all partners involved. The effective partnership has been successfully developed since beginning of the project up to the end of reporting period. Successful administration of the cooperation activities has been implemented. An effective administration of the project implementation is ensured both by monitoring of the operation done by Lead Partener and controll made by auditors. Partners have successfully submitted the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Progress Reports to the INTERREG IIIC Joint Technical Secretariat. The development of partnership by means of Steering Group and Work Group meetings assisted a lot in exchanging the experience on the Project implementation and administration systems. Up to the end of current reporting period 6 joint partners meetings have been organised. For necessary adjustments of databases appropriate tender procedures have been launched and contracts with IT consultants have been signed. Partners have prepared and submitted to the Lead Partner database specifications. LP finalised joint concept regarding development of joint project management system. Local meetings with IT consultants regarding database development were organised in all partner institutions. Local databases have been developed and improved, the integration of databases of Riga, Vilnius, Pori, Randers and Stockholm has been provided. Animated user assistance - presentation module, which in interactive way guides a user through the main functions of the database, has been established. Since the beginning of the project, needs for project coordinators training have been defined by all partners. Contract with the Training consultant has been signed and training sessions have been held in 5 partner municipalities. The finalising networking workshop for all the project partners on cooperation issues and perspective joint projects was organized in Riga.
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  • 55.9%   305 500,69
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants