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Establishment and Integration of Environmental Ethical Values Into Environmental Pollution Control Practices for Decision Makers and Environmental Experts/Staff

The need of harmonizing environmental knowledge with ethical values and thus achievement of the behavioral change and internalization of ethical values refers some recent efforts and experiences that are promoted by the European Union. Sixth Environmental Action Program of the European Community entitled “Environment 2010: Our Future, our choice”, proposes five priority avenues of strategic action; one of them is empowering people as private citizens and helping them to change behavior by giving people the information they need to make environment friendly choices. In addition to Sixth Environmental Action Programme, Arhus Convention which is in force since 30 October 2001 based on the premise that greater public awareness of and involvement in environmental matters will improve environmental protection. And a very recent document, Annual Policy Strategy for 2008 stresses on renewed Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs as a major vehicle for promoting a more prosperous, environmentally responsible European Union. There is a need to increase public sensitivity to environment and development problems and involvement in their solutions and foster a sense of personal environmental responsibility and greater motivation and commitment towards environmentally sensitive behaviours. “Therefore ENV-ETHICS Project tries to train the target group; decision makers and environmental experts/executives/staff working in municipalities and public/governmental organisations as much as possible both on ethical values to increase environmental awareness and technical points of pollution control to have a clean and healthy environment by applying the main principles of European Environmental Policy and Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control: IPPC Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996. The technical environmental pollution control part of the training was prepared based on the above mentioned Directive by one of our partner’s previous project numbered (RO/02/B/F/PP-141004).Along this line, aims and objectives of the project is summarized as;• To develop specific vocational training tools, especially development of relevant and innovative e-learning content, in the field of “Environmental Pollution Control” harmonized with “Environmental Ethical” values which is based upon the main principles of European Environmental Policy and Sixth Environmental Action Plan and renewed Lisbon Strategy, as a major vehicle for promoting environmentally responsible European Union. It is evident that, there is a lack of specific vocational training in the field of environmental ethics for the target groups especially for decision-makers and experts in this field. Technological assistance must be supplied to inform the people about the importance of acting in an environmentally friendly way (that is; obeying unwritten rules) and latest policies (that is obeying written rules) in order to have a better and cleaner environment.• To design the final products in a way to help to facilitate efficient environmental pollution control by increasing the environmental awareness of individuals in Europe and provide educational information about specific cases, best practices, new technologies and current relevant EU legislation in the environmental pollution and ethic field. Blended learning methodology (face-to-face & e-learning) is helpful for everyone to have a chance to learn about how to measure environmental pollution and protection measures; by training-courses target groups achieve at least four desirable outcomes: increased ethical sensitivity in addition to environmental pollution knowledge, increased knowledge of standards of conduct, improved ethical judgement for environmental controversies and improved ethical will-power; project web-site supports knowledge and information in the communities. • Certification will be given at the end of these vocational training courses which will have validity from VET Organisations and these ...
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