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España para todos - Movilidad de jóvenes con menos oportunidades en el SVE
Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Spain for all" (Spain 4All) project will work with three young people with fewer opportunities that come from EDUQ (a polish organization) and the Ligue de l'Enseignement des Vosges (France) I, supporting activities in the Fair Trade Solidarity Shop that Alliance for Solidarity has in Madrid, located in the Cultural Centre "La Casa Encendida". Young people participate in the daily life of a small trade of foodstuffs and crafts (recycled products). This store aims , in addition to the sale itself, to promote solidarity and a better understanding on the lives and context of communities of origin of the goods, and their rights as producers.The 3 young peple arrive willa rrive, one of them from June to July 1 and 2 in September. The Volunteers will collaborate in activities such as the replacement of products on the shelves, sales support, help in the care and guidance of customers, supporting small box closure activities and orders. In addition young people will participate into:1. Specific training to improve their language skills.2. Training on digital tools to reflect on their experience and spread it to other volunteers.3. Participating in cultural activities offered by the “Casa Encendida” in order to promote their socio-cultural integration.4. Meetings and actions of Fair Trade volunteer group in the hosting organization , encouraging them to propose initiatives and develop awareness.5. Three sessions of socio-labor orientation performed by the Foundation TOMILLO in the framework of cooperation between entities.6. Reinforced Tutoring, 1 every week to work on aspects thatwill help and support these young people with fewer opportunities in their mobility experience.The project aims that young volunteers with fewer opportunities get involved and participate in:1. Having a first experience of international mobility.2. Knowing another language, as Spanish and their way of life and culture3. Develop digital skills.3. Have an experience of socio-labor integration in order to strengthen their personal skills and professional competence.This project is a key initiative 2 , currently running: "EVS4ALL" Project Number: 2014-2-DE04_KA205-001511.Young people involved in this project have little information, family support and a social environment that does not promote and facilitate their access to mobility experiences, which is most evident in the case of young women. Besides the lack of financial means, they do not have opportunities to learn a foreign language and in certain cases they live in very precarious conditions within heir families, and in other case they live in situations of school failure, which makes them even harder to join European mobility experiencesor or any other inclusion projects. 2 Polish volunteers come from small towns / villages in the north, which makes them feel even more isolated and difficulties to iparticipate in these mobility facilities.The following learning outcomes are expected :1. Knowledge to facilitate their employment in commercial activities of small businesses.2. Development of digital learning skills through management tools that will help them to tell their own story and experience.3. Develop specific skills such as initiative, responsibility, problem solving, teamwork and the ability to work in a multi-cultural environment..4. Strengthen personal development, especiallytheircapacity for learning, tolerance and patience, maintaining optimism and enthusiasm in activities caried out, as well as their ability to propose activities within a group.5. Strengthen the common values and solidarity values, through Fair Trade activities, participating in actions promoting awareness of human rights.The project is expected to have a significant and multiplier effect, and a sustainable impact on different target groups.1. Impact on young people with fewer opportunities:By providing learning opportunities within the framework of SVE it will bring an increase of European awareness and social commitment of young people. In addition, its transverse skills (eg, digital competence, competence in a foreign language, solidarity values) will increase andimprove their employability capacities.2. Impact on organizations involved:European networks working to strengthen their organization. European networks working to strengthencommon activities and promote their commitment regarding the need to develop measures in order to support young people with fewer opportunities social inclusion.3. Impact on the group of young people with fewer opportunities:Under the K2 project "EVS4All", the same results will be part of a special study in order to make specific recommendations on how to extend the EVS program to a larger number of young people with fewer opportunities.

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