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¿Esclavos del libro de texto? No, gracias.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is set in a working-class neighbourhood in west Malaga, where most of our children’s families work in the tertiary sector. Due to the current economic situation, the unemployment rate in our school area is rather high. Thus, our project is intended for a group of children who, in most cases, count on their families’ support but need to develop higher levels of motivation for learning. And, at the same time, our project aims to achieve a greater family involvement and to boost our teachers’ levels of satisfaction. Our project also demands a shift in the kind of methodology we are currently implementing. In order to come up with the methodology that suits our goals best we will require that eight of our Early Years and Primary teachers take some further training so as to provide them with the necessary tools to lead a very much needed change in our school. This training will focus on three aspects closely related to our project title “Slaves of text books? No, thank you”, mainly attendance to seminars and observation of methodologies in which: different resources other than text books are successfully used (Ireland and Finland), games and ICTs are effectively applied in learning as a means of enhancing students’ inner motivation (Cypres), and emotional intelligence represent an essential foundation for nurturing assertive and self-confident individuals (Macedonia). This project will encompass two stages: A first stage in which the participants will focus on training (first semester of 2016, and February to march 2017 for the training course in Ireland). Following this, the participants in the mobility Erasmus+ courses will share the acquired knowledge with the rest of the teaching staff. Subsequently, we will elaborate the new work scheme incorporating the practices and methodologies learnt, giving our work a more international perspective. The last stage for the academic year 2016-2017 will consist on implementing the new syllabus. This experience of learning together with and from other countries will be shared with the entire school community: families and the School Board through talks, presentations, our school website, our teachers’ blogs and our school newspaper. Furthermore, we will share our knowledge and experience with other colleagues through the institutions committed to teachers’ continuing professional development (Malaga CEP) and through local newspapers or Education reviews. After the first year of implementation in our classrooms (2016-2017) we will output a power point presentation with pictures, videos, comments, etc. to be shared with our school community and other institutions. We are confident that this new work plan with a more integrated and international vision will result in improvements in every scope: - A greater parents’ satisfaction in relation to their children’s learning. - Better channels for collaboration with and implication of families. - Higher levels of inner motivation and interest for learning leading to a more significant learning. - Higher levels of teachers’ satisfaction leading to positive feelings of professional and personal development. At last, we would like to highlight that provided the results are as positive as expected, it will definitely mean a total change for our school towards a more dynamic and Europe-oriented way of understanding the process of teaching-learning.

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