Search for European Projects

Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

The European Language Stage (ESEDI) is a multilateral project which aims to improve teaching and foreign language learning in Europe through a new didactic material: a multilingual theatre play. It will be performed in five languages, in centres in Germany, Spain, France, Bulgaria and Romania, where they have detected difficulties in language learning motivation. Each event will be written and performed bilingually according to each country combining in all acts Spanish as the common language with their national language. Each act will reflect different situations that highlight the linguistic and cultural variety of Europe. The main objectives are: - Enhance student's motivation towards foreign language learning; - Promotion of language and intercultural skills to compete effectively in the global market; - Development of personal fulfilment, social cohesion and active citizenship of participants; - Highlighting through real-life situations, the language learning difficulties and how to overcome them. The results we will obtain with ESEDI in the short and long term are: - Creating a multilingual play, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to define the levels of the five languages that will be used: Spanish, French, German, Bulgarian and Romanian; - Representations bilingual acts of the play in five countries; - Creation of a webpage and a collaborative tool of content (Wiki); - Publication of the script of the theatre play in five languages; - Editing a DVD with the recording of all actions; - Publication of a handbook of best practices used during the project;- Creating a network for the collaboration for future exchanges of students and teachers. Impact envisaged: ESEDI will promote the interest in foreign language learning through an innovative way, appealing to students in both formal and non-formal education systems .It will promote multilingualism and cultural diversity within and outside the continent.
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4 Partners Participants