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Erziehungsmodelle in Europa
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Institut für Soziale Berufe Ravensburg gGmbH has regularly run mobility projects as part of its vocational training program for officially recognised nursery school teachers since 2001. Project partners include early education institutions in Bulgaria, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Poland, Sweden and Turkey. The project participants (22 participants) complete their placement abroad for 15 weeks at day care centres, nursery schools and at institutions for people with special educational needs. Possible requirements for participating in the project are e.g. intermediate-level educational qualification including one year at a vocational school or general qualification for university entrance including a 6-week social work placement.The project is run based on the institute's training responsibility. This means that priority is given to the curriculum as well as competence orientation during training. The Europaklasse class scheme profile is geared particularly towards promoting intercultural competence and culturally sensitive work in plural and global societies and political conditions/contexts. The stay abroad allows the participants to learn about the basic European conception of diversity and the resulting challenges of various cooperation levels, such as solidarity.The project implementation process is divided into 3 phases:The mobility project begins with the preparation phase, which includes learning more about the respective placement country, attending a project-related language course in small groups and elaborating the project topic together in one large group.The second phase of the project takes place abroad. During this phase the participants are actively involved in the educational work of the partner institution. This also includes e.g. working in teams, participating in public relations activities and implementing the evaluation of the project topic. In addition, the participants give 2 demonstration lessons, which are evaluated by the institute's teachers.The evaluation phase is the final phase of the mobility project. The participants evaluate their experiences and insights after the placement abroad during an externally supervised 3-day workshop. The learning outcomes are incorporated in various documentations and publications.The project sponsor is responsible for continuous quality assurance and fostering cooperation between the supervising teachers and European partners.The project has a substantial multiplier effect at the Institut für Soziale Berufe due to its integration in continued education curricula, at a local level (involvement in cultural events) and at a regional level due to networking.The sustainable, long-term benefit of the project is that the participants develop a professional identity as ambassadors for Europe and adopt a culturally sensitive and inclusive attitude in their professional self-conception, which essentially motivates and shapes their work as educational specialists.

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