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Erwin Schroedinger Fellowships (Schroedinger Fellows)
Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With this proposal the FWF applies for COFUND of the Erwin Schroedinger Program, the largest Outgoing -Program in Austria for basic research at postdoc level open to all disciplines and destinations. According to the objectives of the COFUND-action the program aims to support researchers to work abroad at leading research institutions and on leading research programs to open up new areas of knowledge, new scientific approaches, methods and techniques. In this way it helps the fellows broadening and deepening their competence and establishing long lasting international cooperations. The very high impact on career development of the Schroedinger fellows has been shown in the program evaluation. With the help of the COFUND it was possible to improve the program with the possibility to apply also for a reintegration-phase and to facilitate the critical return phase. The FWF hopes to counter on a long turn the brain drain from Austria and consequently from the ERA. In a next step the FWF eliminated the age limit and expanded in this way the group of the potential applicants. In this way the Erwin Schroedinger Program became most attractive and the number of applications increased continuously. With this COFUND proposal the FWF intends to maintain the high quality standard of the program and at the same time to meet the high demand for Schroedinger fellowships.
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