Search for European Projects

Erwerb von individuellen und beruflichen Kompetenzen durch ein Auslandspraktikum
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In a united Europe aspects such as experiences across the continent and the knowledge of foreign languages have become more and more important and evident. Louis-Baare-Berufskolleg is a vocational school/college where pupils complete their apprenticeship or obtain other educational qualifications. As a so-called 'Europaschule' we account for this development. While doing their work placements as part of the project the selected students gain the above mentioned competences. These competences cover the needs of the German economy on a global market.The selected participants provide their linguistic and technical skills to the internship company. The successful achievement of everyday work in a company abroad strenghtens their self confidence. Moreover they learn more about different working methods and mentalities. Through this the students enhanced their career prospects within the European Union. Furthermore making positive experiences beyond national borders and also making new friends in other countries reduce prejudices, stereotypes and fears. Overall 28 students participated in the programme. Before their stays abroad all students were prepared for their placements. This included practical support concerning the organization locally (booking of flights, accomodation etc.). 9 students went to Turkey. Due to the language barrier there was a teacher from our school on the spot (Izmir) who gave assistance. The other students were supported via mail or telephone. The other students were mostly supported via e-mail or telephone, some of them were visited by their teachers during their stay in Derry/Northern Ireland (UK). Subsequent to the placement/project there was an internal school session where the students passed on their experiences to potential candidates in the following year. Further to this student reports were published both on our homepage and in the local newspaper. With regard to the European strategy of our vocational college mobility projects play a very important role: They are part of the various activities and measures in the areas of teaching, especially foreign language teaching, teacher training and school events.

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