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Erweiterung und Verbesserung der methodischen, sprachlichen, interkulturellen und digitalen Kompetenz unserer Lehrkräfte im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Background In order to improve the English and bilingual department of the Bergstraßen-Gymnasium, two of our foreign language teachers have participated in Comenius advanced vocational training courses abroad within the last five years. Not only have our teachers gained from a development of their methodology, language and intercultural competence but also their students, colleagues and hence, our institution. Objectives On the basis of these positive experiences and impacts on our school, we would like to send qualified teachers abroad to develop their English language skills and update their methodology, management and practical teaching techniques and skills. In addition we would like to enable our teachers to use new media in the English class room, since our school is well-equipped with information technologies (computer rooms, smart boards, tablets for a whole class, microphones, etc.). We also hope that the training will enable us to establish new contacts to colleagues from the UK and other European countries to start international projects and enable us to organize exchange programs for our students. Furthermore we hope Edinburgh to be the location for our next study trip of our high school seniors. Number and Profile of our Participants It is important to us that our teachers continue their studies. Within the scope of this project we would like to especially enable dedicated teachers, who are in their first years of teaching, to improve their methodology, language and intercultural knowledge. We would like to send 1 teacher (English/CLIL) to a course "Language and Methodology Refresher" to Edinburgh (duration of two weeks). Intended Outcomes The course will give fresh impetus to our teacher, e.g. - methodical gain - gain in language - intercultural gain - digital competence We hope/expect the chosen teacher (among others) to - pass the new knowledge/methods/etc. to his/her colleagues - share the received material with colleagues - share new ideas in team-teaching projects - pass the new knowledge/methods/etc. to trainees - provide a basis for a possible study trip to Edinburgh, to plan and to eventually realize it - haven an open mind about starting exchange programs with teachers abroad
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1 Partners Participants