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Erweiterung interkultureller Kompetenzen zur Verbreitung der europäischen Idee und zur Implementierung dieser in die schulischen Curricula durch die Entwicklung von Kompetenzen im Bereich des Projektmanagements.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Development of intercultural competences to distribute the European idea and the implementation of this idea into the school curriculum through the development of competences in the field of the project management” is a fundamental step to prepare the students of LES for the European labor market. According to the McKinsey study many young students do not possess the necessary skills to be successful within the European labor market. However, there is a movement from a regional to an European labor market caused by the growing globalization. Hence new requirements for the educational work at vocational schools are developed. It is essential to have an extensive further education for the entire teaching staff in order to fulfill the mandatory demands of the above mentioned project. To counter the lack of qualification, students of the LES should become intercultural qualified in order to get motivated to orientate themselves towards the European labor market. Therefore, not only a professional competence is needed. Furthermore, first international experiences which can be applied through exchange projects are necessary. To fit these needs perfectly, the teaching staff has to be trained wide-ranged. An urgent need for action is required, especially concerning the increasing importance of the competences in the field of intercultural project management. The teaching staff practices an active intercultural exchange on its own throughout participation in possible European further education opportunities. This opens possibilities to exchange experiences with other European teachers, to create new ideas mutually and to develop cooperations which support the European concept. Through participation in European further education activities, teachers can easily identify joint intersections of LES with possible international partners via personal contacts. This will lead to a potential cooperation whereby future activities can be commonly planned. Those activities can be strategic partnerships, European mobility projects concerning internships, job shadowing or eTwinning-projects. Students will have the opportunity to extend their competences with the implementation of the above mentioned project. Furthermore, the whole teaching staff of LES will get the chance to improve their intercultural competences as well as their competences in the field of project management. The realization of this project is the only way to embed the European idea comprehensively in all aspects of the school operations. The participants of further education have sufficient language skills to communicate and cooperate efficiently with international partners. Their explicit willingness to get trained in foreign countries in future is based on previous extracurricular international work experience. Therefore, the teachers will be able to actively implement the European idea into their teaching program and motivate students and colleagues respectively. It is indispensable that the teaching staff gains specific competences concerning intercultural and project management to implement European projects (like Erasmus+) sustainable in the school curriculum. Because this is recently only done to a certain extent, the LES mandatory needs to have their teachers trained professional with the relevant further training courses. The ideas and competences which are acquired in those workshops will find their way into the guiding principles of LES. Therefore, they will be implemented into the school curriculum and thus interdisciplinary realized. Subsequently, European projects can be purposeful carried out. Since European projects have not taken place at LES yet, the teaching staff has a lack of motivation and a lack of the necessary knowledge to initiate these. With the help of training courses teachers will be qualified for intercultural learning and collaborations to overcome the before mentioned lack of qualification. The motivation to initiate and perform European mobility projects will go hand in hand with the growth of the essential competences. This motivation boost will have a positive effect on the entire school life and their sustainability. Teachers have to exemplify the necessity of lifelong learning especially in the workspace of vocational education. Hence students of LES will get extensively prepared for the requirements of the international labor market and in addition induced to open up mentally for the idea of an international labor market. This is way the LES has to act as a role model towards their students.
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