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Erweiterung der sprachlichen, methodisch-didaktischen und interkulturellen Kompetenz der Lehrenden im bilingualen Unterricht der deutsch-spanischen Staatlichen Europa-Schule Berlin
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project "Expansion of linguistic, methodological-didactic and intercultural competencies of teachers in bilingual education of the German-Spanish "Public Europe School Berlin" is a component of our strategy to increase the quality of bilingual education offered to students who speak German or Spanish as their first language. The planned duration of the project is two years. Its purpose is the improvement of linguistic, methodological-didactic and intercultural competencies of our teachers. Our intention is to send a total of ten teachers to a variety of seminars and courses in Valencia, Spain. Each of these courses will cover one of our three areas of expertise, including Linguistics, Methodology of Spanish Tuition and ITK. We intend to send 4 members of staff to job-shadowing placements. Two of these teachers will be placed at our partner school in Sevilla, Spain, the other two at our partner school in Warsaw, Poland, where they will be participating in teaching German as a foreign language. The aim of these placements is not only to expand the professional qualifications of our staff, but also to allow them to closely experience other cultures. Participants in the courses will be able to take on the role of multipliers on their return. Using the network of Berlin's Europe Schools, which includes 30 institutions, the insights and knowledge gained in these placements can be shared and utilised city-wide. In addition, opportunities for joint projects will be opened, by creating or deepening the connections with our partner-schools through these placements. In each instance the new contacts that are being made will be fostered and utilised via the E-Twinning platform.

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