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Erweiterung der Sprach- und Lehrmethoden Kompetenzen im fachpraktischen und fachtheoretischen Unterricht
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our target is to ensure that students from HTL Mödling will have an excellent starting position for their carriers in Europe. Programs like CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) or ICT (Information and Communication Technology) support this target. CLIL means that from the 3rd term (11th School year) onwards 72 hours per year and school class of all specific subjects in total will be taught as CLIL-based sessions. To achieve good results from CLIL, teachers need to be trained to effectively teach their subjects in English. It is important to reduce the insecurities of the teachers to teach in the English language and to provide them with the necessary technical vocabulary.As most of the procedures in the industry require computer support, ICT is a very important subject in the curriculum of HTL. The level of ICT usage depends strongly on the needs of the different departments. A student of Electronics needs different tools than a student of Architecture or Industrial Engineering. In the lower grades (starting at first grade) students are trained to work with the most common software tools (Office etc.). In the higher grades more department specific software tools are taught e.g. Programming languages, SAP. CLIL courses will be one or two weeks long and will include methodology and vocabulary as well as European content and where possible relevant aspects of the subjects that are to be taught. This period we will send teachers to courses in England, and Ireland and we will extend the scope also to ICT based teaching methods. This year a total of sixteen teacher will be attending this courses. Four are teaching mechanical and technological subjects, two are teaching ICT or are applying ICT in their classrooms. Five are from archticture and wood technology and five from the wood workshop. The participants have been selected by their department heads, whereby the main selection criteria will be that they are supposed to teach CLIL in the following term and that they have special needs for training. After the training we expect that new methods of teaching and the enhanced language knowledge will positively influence the teaching of the subject.On the Webpage and in Newspaper articles we will inform parents and students about these training to ensure them about the European focus of HTL Mödling.Twelve teachers will take part in a Job Shadowing activity with our partner, the FJBK in Germany and two teachers are planned to participate in a Job Shadowing program with our new partner in Portugal. The target of this programs is to identify new methods of teaching and to interest our teachers for the European perspective of teaching. This program is the starting point for a couple of projects which focus on new teaching methods, ICT in classrooms and methods to reduce the Drop-Out rates in vocational schools.

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