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Erweiterung der Kompetenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht und bilingualen Unterricht
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project exactly fits in the profile of our school. As a bilingual school, we have been offering the school subjects History and Economics consciously in English language for many years (since 1995/96). Apart from this, we enable our pupils to obtain the internationally recognised Cambridge Certificate in English. Under-performing and weaker pupils are optimally supported by individual teaching methods. In addition, we run/launched the eTwinning Project in the past for which there is deep interest to further continue it in the future. Teachers who teach bilingual are increasingly facing new demands in the cultural, professional, personal and methodical field. Erasmus+ offers perfect opportunities to meet and fulfil these demands by helpings teachers getting new ideas and competences as well as motivation beyond national borders. Additionally, pupils benefit from the implementation of new teaching and learning methods by teachers who are highly motivated. The setting up of new transnational contacts helps our pupils to acquire the ability to think outside the box, to promote tolerance and built up a new EU identity. Learning a foreign language is more than merely gaining language competence. It is also about learning intercultural competence. Therefore, life-long (language) learning also needs experiences and encounters outside the classroom. This is only possible if there are school partnerships / cooperation. The Erasmus+ project offers the unique chance to get to know teachers from different EU countries, exchange ideas and views, and also to start and further strengthen EU-wide school networks. Having the possibility of talking to teachers from other countries enriches one’s own views, attitudes, skills set and enables to exchange and develop new learning methods, such as immersion techniques. Another important goal is to further develop our school profile and strengthen our focus on bilingual education in English language since our pupils come from different national backgrounds. Cooperation between different schools, also outside from Germany, leads to a new opening process of our school. National boarders become less relevant, also in our minds. The possibility of establishing an EU network between different schools becomes increasingly valuable. The first step will be to give our English teachers the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. Besides teaching English, most of them also have experience in teaching bilingual lessons especially in History and Economics. They are a driving motor in developing and strengthening new and innovative learning and teaching methods. To participate in the Erasmus+ project would form a perfect basis to enlarge language competences and also methodological and didactic skills. The main aim is to establish cooperation between different EU schools and to find partner schools for advancing in school projects and school exchanges. Having the support of the Erasmus+ project helps to take steps towards this direction.

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