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Ervaringen veraf, Leren dichtbij
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The application ' Experiences far away, learning close ' of ROC Arcus college in Heerlen the Netherlands appeals to goals for students and professionals. This to experience influences from abroad that enriches learning not alone as a human being but also as a professional. This will lead to dept of knowledge and improvement.Objectives of the project are:-Study success as overall objective. Aim: to strengthening and motivating students and teachers.-Improve education process (didactics and guidance) by using new teaching methods and new ways for testing.-Expertise of teams optimizes education for students at all levels to help them a degree efficiently as possible.-Promote the quality of practical training by setting up an international network. -Stepping up language and computing education: (professional) language skills of teachers and students.-Educational development: introducing new qualification files an innovative look at keys of qualificationsFor the group of professionals the activities are: workshops, prepare jobshadowing through commands, presiding and participate, discussions and take care of lessons. The following departments are involved: 1. Department Media Design: Sign in/to Berlin (participation 2 teachers).The team of the department of Media Design is small and close-knit and consists of professionals with a pedagogical note. The team searches for challenges, new impulses and contact with colleagues. 2. Departement Care: Care without barriers (participation 3 teachers and 1 education manager) The teachers are fieldprofessionals with a pedagogical training. The aim is to exchange experiences, collection of new impulses and critical views on own curricula.3. Department of Wellfare: care of the elderly/disabled care/specific target groups (participation 7 teachers and 1 education manager).The composition of teachers teams consists of both professionals from practice with a pedagogical training as teachers graduated from a Training Institute. Due to the size of this department, many overlaps in curriculum and teachers who teach to all courses, there is a need for expertise in specific areas, for example, coordination theory-practice, interships (enlargement, shorter and several disciplines or more challenged by interships), collaborations with externals, examination in practice. The goal of this project is also to het teachers out of their comfortzone and experience that changes also may be improvements.Evaluation of the above-mentioned goals shall be effected by:-report in which the effect of mobility is displayed-presentation to the own team and invited other teams about the gained experiences and possibilities of application in own teaching situation, curriculum and didactic work.,-interview with the education manager about the effects of this professionalisation and personal development as a human being, professional development as a teacher and team member gives teachers a positive impulse, broaden their perspective on vision and discover new opportunities for students, and are rather inclined to challenges.For a internship abroad (individual), students from grade 2, 3 and/or 4 of all training within ROC Arcus College are eligible. Now 38 students have shown interest. The selection is defined by commitment and attitude, results achieved and course of dutch internship. They want to strengthen professional competencies with an internship abroad, gain new experiences (including responsible behavior and take independent decisions), stand out from the rest (challenges, CV enrich), building a network (references for your career), enlarge languagecompetences and learning and acting in a different language and culture.The proceeds are checked with the following tools: 1. evaluation about the internship by partners, students and accompanying teachers.2. the assessment of the internship: by using lists the students independently vocational competences as shown in created and executed commands and functioning in the professional practice in a complex situation will be judged.3. completed Europass for comparison to the evaluation.With their international experiences students will increase their employability and opportunity for employment and cross-border search for work wil become easier. By the accumulated network students can keep up to date their (foreign) experiences and share own experiences.

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