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Erstellung eines neuen Seminars für europäisches Bildungspersonal
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is the further development and quality improvement of an existing seminar "NLP for teaching" to be but expanded and extended by the knowledge expertise on the subject of "coaching".This seminar is intended to represent another lucrative offer for teachers and trainers from Europe our existing offer.In the autumn of 2017 we would like this new seminar have completed planned and put on our website for interested parties. These are the contents that are acquired in Italy, and his miteingearbeitet also be fashioned so that they are useful for trainers and teachers.By means of newsletters are new offers to our 5000 prospects now (mainly teachers and coaches from all over Europe) sent.Overall, we expect by the new seminar that we are an internationally renowned Austrian seminar providers with quality offerings on the subject of personal development and intercultural learning and thus become better known in Europe. We also want to create a more interesting opportunity for our existing clients through this seminar offer.
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