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Erityisryhmien ohjaus ja opettaminen aikuiskoulutuksessa – ERKO-hanke
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ERKO- mentoring and teaching of special groups within adult education With help from the ERKO-project it is possible to gain new inspiration for teaching methods and mentoring protocols by following European procedures in different countries. In addition, the ERKO-project contributes to improvement of the professional knowledge and intercultural competence among teachers who participate in mobility. Staff, who participate in this project will be given a chance to develop, increase their motivation and so being able to influence the quality in a positive manner within the entire organization. In the long run, the ERKO-project will benefit all the parties participating in mobility, because it will be implemented mutually in the sense that it will export our own knowledge and import new points of view. This will benefit all the participating organizations as well as their networks and interest groups. The emission, experience and results of the project will be published on the internet, so everybody can find the information, because the aim is that the results will be spread as widely as possible. The project will be implemented in the form of visits, during which the participants both monitor teachers (Job Shadowing) and provide training themselves. In addition the project participants will take part in European training and seminars organized for staff. A total number of 20 people will participate in the mobility part of the project – 14 of which visit four countries, and six will participate in the training in three different countries. The participants are trainers, who teach immigrants languages, mathematics and IT skills, as well as mentoring trainers and student counsellors. The aim of the ERKO-project is to gain mutual experience of teaching adult immigrants to read and write, teaching mathematics and IT as well as becoming aware of language use within vocational training. A further aim of the project is to receive ideas for developing the mentoring of immigrants and long-term jobseekers. It is important that the staff is up-to-date with the latest development within teaching adults basic skills and mentoring them, in order to be able to guarantee an equal chance of getting an education also for the most vulnerable groups. With the help of European knowledge and co-operation we will prevent students from interrupting their training and so prevent them from being excluded from the job market.
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