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Erhalt der europäischen Kulturlandschaft durch regionale Produkte
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background: To preserve biodiversity worldwide and in Europe it is curcial to work together with landusers to conserve cultural landscapees for its value of nature on the one side and on the other to find ways that landusers can have an affordable income and high quality of life. The German Association for Landcare (DVL) work in this field togehter with its local Landcare Associations all over Germany. To exchange knowledge and experiences about the describes challanges the DVL frequently offers trainings and conferences to its members and interessted people. Partners form seven European countries are engaged in the issue of landcare - Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege (D), (HR), Veelzijdig Boerenland (NL), Asociatia Microregionala Pogany-havas (RO), (S), SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET (SE) und Institut za trajnostni razvoj in celostne resitve - InTeRCeR (SI), The Firm of ARCH (UK) and Transhumancia y Naturaleza (S). These partners are at different stages of development but share similar processes and patterns of development in the use of landcare. Targets: This application is being made to provide the mobility of trainers and advisors form German Landcare organisations and to develop a range of partnership and training opportunities within seven partner countries. Number and profile of participants: The participating trainers (36 out of potential trainers of about 160) have a vital role in training others amongst their organisation´s staff, in training field workers and countryside practitioners and also in informing the interested public. Activities: DVL sends the participants to the partner organisations and organizes the exchange from Germany. DDVL will be responsible for compliance of all planned tours/exchanges and therefore organizes the exchanges together with the partner organisation and summarizes the training results. There will be 36 participants from German Landcare Organisations. DVL will organize the trainings between August 2015 and August 2017. Project realisation: The mission of the project is the analysis of local conditions and application of best practice for the conservation of the European Cultural Landscapes by regional products and the strong cooperation with farmers. The main objectives of the project are following: - To share information and search synergies regarding criteria, strategies, methodologies, models and innovative ideas. - To process experiences and knowledge and ensure their dissemination - To encourage the participants in international communication and learning and in the usage of foreign languages. - To build longlasting contacts and cooperations for a continuous exchange of information and ideas. Results: For participants, the main focus is on learning, but they also pass on their professional knowlege to the European partner organisation as well as hand on acquired skills to others in their organisations (Participants are VETs). The transnational trainings are essential for the beneficiaries of learning because, they will learn something about specific objectives of landcare in partner countries and how to implement them on the ground across Europe. Dissemination of results: Through publications of the participating organisations and seminars. DVL for example has regular newsletters and information sheets. DVL frequently organizes seminars and conferences for its members and interessted in which results will be forwarded. Participants also have different communication tools to hand on results and can give presentations or hold short training sessions for their colleagues. The information skills gained can be fed directly into the formal/in house training deliverd by participating organisations.

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6 Partners Participants