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Erasmus+, Realgymnasiet Nyköping
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Realgymnasiet Nyköping has got experiences of other projects such as Leonardo da Vinci and has had very positive outcomes revolving students’ knowledge development. The object for this project is to enhance the employability for our students after graduation by letting students participate in work experience abroad. Through a work experience the participant gets an opportunity to develop language skills, cultural awareness, references and global field skills. The project also aims to develop knowledge for students and staff to develop knowledge concerning global work that has been raised in the curriculum for higher education and goals to attain in the Natural Resources Programme. Through our experience we know that projects such as these students do develop their ability to discuss subjects from different view points. This will help the students in making a positive progress in their studies. The duration for this application is two years. Realgymnasiet has four different courses, these are; animal care, horse care, dog training and nature guide/tourism. This project would give 12 students and one accompanying person, per year, the possibility to go abroad in year 2 and 3. The project will be run by personnel at school who will designate a coordinator in charge. The project will be divided into five phases; planning/application, preparation, implementation, follow-up/evaluation and spreading. The emphasis of the result is mainly for the participant who has through the project enhanced his/her employment capacity by an enriched network in their professional field, personal development, a cultural perspective and so on. Also the school will benefit from the results through the spreading phase. Long term we hope that this project will help us in having good relationships with our partners and in developing he global perspective on our education now and in the future. We also hope that this project will have a positive outcome on unemployment among young people by shaping young adults that are sought after within our field and an increased cultural understanding in our society

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