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Erasmus + Gago Coutinho
Start date: Oct 17, 2016, End date: Oct 16, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Secondary School of Gago Coutinho intends to develop in the year of 2016/2017 the project "Erasmus + Gago Coutinho", with the aim of promoting the integration of the students in the European context. The Secondary school Gago Coutinho trains its students in several vocational areas such as: aircraft maintenance, computing and tourism, sectors that depend on the international conjuncture and that will be much improved with the sharing and the involvement in the "modus operandi" of other companies of the same sectors located in other European countries.The school is drafting this candidature in two aspects, one addressed to the recent graduated students and another for the students who are still in formation. In the mobility for the recent graduated, will be involved 4 students of Vocational Course Aircraft Maintenance Personnel and 4 Technical Professional Course of tourism. In the case of students who are still in formation, 4 students of the course in the programming and management of computer systems and 12 students of the Course of tourism will be involved. These students will be chosen according to their final graduation average, their competence in foreign languages and their capacity and interest that reveal to the project.It is expected that these students return to Portugal and give their testimony of their experiences to school community. After that they will be better prepared to an easier integration in the labor market, because they will have an enriched curriculum.The teachers involved will surely enrich their pedagogical skills after the mobility and foment greater motivation in their students.The Secondary School Gago Coutinho will increase its visibility and have an image of greater dynamism in the region and in the Municipality of Vila Franca de Xira.It is expected that the success and motivation of the staff improves all the vocational courses of the school and that their quality will be recognized throughout the educational community.
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