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ERASMUS+ Enseignement et Formation Professionnel (EFP)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vocational school SERMENAZ of Rillieux-la-Pape (69) in the area « Sensitive urban zone and violence prevention” would like participate to Erasmus+ project « Learning Mobility of Individuals» for 24 months, that is school years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Six students from each year will participate to the project : they will do their work placement for 26 days in Spain, Alicante. This period is possible due to the patnership with the Instituto de Educacion Segundaria Mare Nostrum, Alicante with the person in charge Nestor Galipienso, responsable for european projects. As for the six students, they will be in a work placement and will be assessed for the profesional diploma. Three of them are from « Customer service ». They will work for a company or a public institution. The other three students study «Trade ». They will work in diferent shops. This students will have to do diferents tasks an develop profesional skills the way they do in French work placements. They will have to use spanish. The spanish and the profesional teachers will coordinate them. The main skills in « Customer service» are : - greetings and welcoming - idenfying customers'needs - listening and orienting customers - using sofware properly The main skills in «Trade» are : - welcoming and listening customer - managing department and stock - preparing and receiving goods and orders Therefore, the achievement of the project will be widely spread. The information will be passed through : - our school web site - our local newspaper Le Progrès - the Spanish paper of the school - the additional certificates to Bac Pro : EUROPASS and EUROPRO - students' CVs for companies -the "Spanish Day" involving elected representatives of our town, partner companies and parent. - the complete exhibition made by students about their work experiences on their internships as well as the culture of the Spanish regions where they were assigned. Eventually the fulfillment of this project will greatly contribute to develop the civic spirit of the students who will be dealing with daily social codes in a real European approach. That will allow the students to understand better the world around them collaborating with foreign companies. Our school development plan puts a lot into these relationships along with the town council of Rillieux. Both companies and elected representatives will welcome Spanish trainees from our partner school in Spain) This experience in Spain will logically be in line with the English European Section that was implemented three years ago in our school. It will also be a rewarding project for the town representatives of Rillieux who can only be proud to welcome Spanish students in an urban sensitive area.

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