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Erarbeitung eines neuen Schulkonzepts für das Egbert-Gymnasium
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For many years Egbert-Gymnasium Münsterschwarzach has offered a school program in accordance with a specially defined school concept that takes into account the education of our pupils with all their talents according to the Benedictine educational ideal. Due to many developments and changes both in schools and in the society we are of the opinion that this concept needs to be renewed. That's why we are planning to profit from experiences other schools of comparable size and offer have already made and discover how they managed to adapt to the changing environments. This will also lead to reinforced European cooperation and networking. We envisage on the one hand to visit a number of partners and to learn from them, on the other hand to invest in teacher training with the aim of an increasing offer of bilingual teaching. As the renewal of the concept goes hand in hand with a planned renewal of the buildings we will also carefully observe how others have managed to adapt their buildings to changing conditions. The choice of partners is based on what we think we might learn best from them: organisation of all-day schools, integration of musical activities into academic learning, questions of financing the schools, establishing links to the job markets, organisation of boarding schools.The new concept is to be established by a task force within our school where all the experiences made in the course of the project will be joined together and - if applicable - integrated into the new concept. This group reports regularly to the headteacher, the staff, but also to the pupils and parents in order to have the whole school family support the new concept.The process and the results will be spread via eTwinning so that the partners that have been visited may also share the process. If everything turns out fine, the end will be marked by a new concept that bears testimony of the visits and carries their results further.
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