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EQF National Coordination Points 2016 - ITALY
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project presented by the Italian EQF NCP is consistent with the general objectives of the call for Policy Networks and is agreed with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Moreover the present project is planned in synergy with the Euroguidance and Europass networks to assure coherence and better coordination to improve the impact and the benefits to the end users. One of the objective of the project concerns the increasing in the types of referenced qualifications awarded at national level, comprising the regional qualifications, and the systematic indication of EQF levels in all new qualifications. This activity will be carried on in a strict correlation to the creation of a National certification system. The second important challenge is the creation of a National system for the validation of non formal and informal learning and the certification of competences. In this framework an objective of the project is support the work for the definition of National Guidelines on validation of NFIL and certification of competences.One of the most important objective of the project is consistent with the Riga conclusions 2015 regarding the efforts to encourage the effective use of EU transparency tools, and in particular of the EQF. The NCP will strengthen the communication and dissemination activities on the use of EQF to different targets of users. The activities will have a widespread coverage and will involve employers, workers and learners. The NCP will improve the promotions of EQF with a special attention to learners and employers. The NCP will participate in joint meetings and working groups with Europass, Euroguidance, Eures and EQAVET networks, ECVET national experts and ERASMUS+ Agency to disseminate to VET providers, schools and Vocational training agencies the use of European tools.

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