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EPVT- Erasmus+ 2014
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Vocational School of Vale do Tejo (EPVT), through the application "EPVT-Erasmus + 2014", intends to meet the challenge imposed by European governors, contributing to increase employment conditions in Europe, making it more competitive and cohesive. It is an opportunity to provide the students and employees a work experience outside the national territory, considered extremely enriching to their personal and professional improvement. EPVT aims to cover 20 students of hotel and restaurant management courses, as well as 8 trainers. The project also includes 10 staff mobilities, 1 for a math teacher, 1 for a physical education teacher, 2 for catering kitchen/pastry teachers, 2 for head waiter teachers, 2 for English teachers and 2 for employees in the area of leadership and pedagogy. The participation in this international project will allow, not only the contact with a foreign language, but also the awakening to a new culture, other realities and a global perception of the European Union. In addition to the enrichment of the curriculum vitae of applicants, it will allow them a contact with potential European labour markets, so that they don’t become limited to their country of origin and promoting, at the same time, an entrepreneurial and dynamic spirit. Thus, we can conclude that the main needs to which this project will answer are: the application of academic and practical knowledge acquired within the study plan of the course, the acquisition of new knowledge and its practical application in real work context a reality different from their country of origin. It will also provide them with a deeper understanding of technical and specific knowledge related to their training area, contributing to the promotion of the sector in the region and in the country of origin. The participation in this project stimulates entrepreneurship in young people and adults, allows them a deeper acquisition of the language of the host country and the universal language (English) always having as background the European reality. This project will certainly contribute to the formation of more skilled young professionals, aware of multiple cultures and ways of being and doing, therefore contributing to the creation of a European consciousness more open, more tolerant and more unified. So, it is defined as a main goal of this project: the support for participants in the acquisition of professional experience through the acquisition of innovative qualifications in order to facilitate their personal development, which will increase their employability by promoting their participation in the European labour market. The students’ mobility will take place for a period of 7 weeks and will take place in the months of March and April 2015 and 2016. The staff mobility will have the duration of 1 week, taking place in the months of March 2015 and 2016. It is intended that participants are placed in businesses and schools with extensive experience in the field of hotel and catering. Thus, the choice of enterprises while host companies is made based on, not only the evaluation of results from previous programs (in some cases), but also on the existence of transnational mobility for skilled human resources, their aptitude at technical and technological areas, as well as the vocational nature of the internships they offer. After properly agreed between all parts involved, the contents to be developed will be, therefore, recorded in the contracts signed by the participants, by the vocational school of the mobility applicants and the host organization / intermediate, with the knowledge of all interveners.
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