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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EPTOLIVA – Escola Profissional de Oliveira do Hospital, Tábua e Arganil, was founded in 1991 in order to respond to socio-economic needs of the region in this sense, it develops its activity in vocational education and training, ensuring the best conditions for the promoting education and integration of their graduates in the labor market. That's why, since 2010, has applied for and implemented successfully, Leonardo da Vinci projects, providing about 5-8 recent graduates / year, access to a work placement in an international context. The intention to maintain continuity of these projects relates to the fulfillment of the goals in the school educational project. The ultimate goal, to which all others contribute, is defined as "able to provide a comprehensive and integrated training of its students, contributing to active and participative citizens in the surrounding society, conscious of their rights and duties as citizens of a place, a region, a country and Europe. " In this project, EPTOLIVA allowed mobility 9 recent graduates and two students to perform internships. In order to meet the school's goals were established for the project the following objectives: To continue and strengthen efforts to support young people and consolidate training courses and professional quality Ensure better chances of employment for newly qualified young people, either in the county or elsewhere Contribute to a Europe of Training and Employment, based on social cohesion, on knowledge and competitiveness in a globalized world in crisis and continuing challenges Deepening the role of EPTOLIVA while catalyzing institution of change in the network of regional partners to develop the territory in line with national and European goals Provide an experience that complements the learning done in training context These objectives are in line with the objectives for education and training at national and European level to promote cooperation and exchange. Similarly, its continuation will allow address the needs identified in the school community and the territory, regarding the adequacy of the offer to the needs and capacity for innovation and change. The developed experience prepared technicians who do monitor these stages, ensuring, from year to year, better conditions and greater know-how for the selection, monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of each mobility program. The mobilities of recent graduates took place between September and December 2015, lasting 14 weeks and student mobilities took place between January and February 2016, lasting five weeks. The EPTOEUROPA IV gave opportunity to those who were disadvantaged by their socio-economic conditions or the situation and geographical isolation in which they were. the following mobilities for defined destinations were carried out: United Kingdom - 3 participants Spain - 5 participants Italy - 3 participants The activities under this project included the completion of a language course and cultural adaptation during the first week and the following week internship. Apart from these, preparation activities were conducted prior to departure and evaluation during and after the project. In compliance with the project, the following impacts on participants resulted: Personal skills and improved professional Greater openness to European countries Development of Human Rights New attitudes towards the labor market Higher confidence levels and self-esteem in their skills Domain new languages For the region, the impact was necessarily on developing more competent human resources and promoting competitiveness, as well as opening new international markets. The level of impact on the entities involved in the development of the project, these are estimated that are durable, especially in developing new strategic partnerships at European level, but also in the development of good practice in mobility management and modernization of procedures. To ensure the success of the project was maintained regular communication with the participants and the different partners involved. The income statement was guaranteed by the various forms of dissemination of expected results, particularly at school, in the local educational community, potential employers and, internationally, by intermediaries and host stages partners.
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10 Partners Participants