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Επιμόρφωση καθηγητών του 6ου ΕΠΑΛ Ηρακλείου σε νέα εκπαιδευτικά παραδείγματα και διδακτικές μεθοδολογίες
Start date: Sep 2, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

?Training of 6th EPA.L teachers in new educational paradigms and instructive methodologies? This project contains an A1 mobility for teacher training of the school 6th EPAL of Iraklion and consists of 3 different flows. The teachers involved are of various specialties, teaching general as well as technical courses. They also have a very good command of the working language used (English), have at least a basic ICT skills and have recognized the need of lifelong training in educational matters and instructive methodologies. More specifically: Flow 1 comprised of 6 teachers who attended the organized seminar ?Teaching Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Schools: Experiential approach? with a duration of 7 days (including date of arrival and departure) in host country Slovenia during 23 to 29 of November 2014. Main activitiews included the promotion of creative and productive thinkng using Edward de Bono tools and experiential teaching methods of teaching enterpreneurship at school. ??? ????????????: Participants were selected primarily from the teachers of technical fields, as our school is a Vocational School. The school headmaster and the assistant headmistress were choosen as participants to promote the importance of participating in European projects for our school. Finally, sufficient knowledge of English was a prerequisite for all participants since it was the working language of the seminar. Out of the 6 participants, 4 attended the de Bono tools seminar for the first days and the Entrepreneurship seminar the next days, while the other 2 stayed in the de Bono class for the whole duration in order to fully complete the trainind on creative and productive thinking. Flows 2 and 3 were implemented concurrently due to time constraints and had a total of 12 participants (6 each) who attended the ?Innovation in Education? seminar with a duration of 7 days (including date of arrival and departure) in host country Latvia during 21 to 27 of June 2015. It is here noted that our first choice was the 8-day seminar "Inspiring environmental learning through outdoor arts and crafts" in host country Iceland which was not implemented because plans fell through with no fault at our school but due to the host organization disfunction which will be explained later in the report. Main activities included methods of organizing and deploying environmental stimuli for educational purposes. The aim was to make clear and known to the participants from our school of the educational practice of schooling outside the classroom (outdoor education), a practice not adequately supported by the Greek Educational System. 5 of the 6 participants from flow 1 participated here as well, along with 7 other teachers of general and technical course who expressed interest. The basic aim of our project was the imerging need to participate in training about methods, tools, new educational paradigms and good practices, supportd by innovative programs and actions such as Erasmus+. Accordingly, in Flow 1, there was a display and implementation of many acquaintance and get-to-know techiques with the purpose of promoting creative thinking. There was also a presentation and implementation of de Bomo tools in case studies chosen by the participants themselves. Also in Flow 1, in the enterpreunership project there were LEGO building blocks exercises and field excursions to a local establishment complete with customer interviews. In Flows 2 and 3, training involved activities outside class, with team projects, role playing and applying many different means and materials. A stop-motion animation sort film was made from scratch with the applied team effort of all the participants. There was a visit to a local business were the participants were actively involved in the production process (kneading and baking local bread), thus highlighting good practices in the field. There was participation in a local festival and cultural activities. Training included field trips in forest and beach areas and discussion about raising environmental awareness in students through such activities. Finally there was a visit to a Vocational School, exchange of educational practices with the teachers and presentation of student work. The 18 mobilites (13 individual participants) that were completed now represent the critical mass in our school that promotes good practices learned and functions as a multiplier source for the rest of our school community. Another significant effect of the mobilities is the team spirit achieved that was carried on and has positive effects in the school ground as well.
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