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Επιμόρφωση Εκπαιδευτών ΣΔΕ Βόλου
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Second Chance School of Volos is a dynamic organization that strives consistently for many years to implement innovative actions and participate in various programs at a local, national and European level. All these years the school is staffed, mainly, by young mostly instructors, who are highly qualified and willing to experiment, explore and implement new teaching methods, approaches and ideas. This has given to the school a dynamic and innovative orientation. The trainers participating in this Erasmus program constitute a very active core of the school with very good interpersonal and organizational skills, which will help in the diffusion of knowledge as a result of their training. The group consists of six instructors (3 men and 3 women) with good language, informative and communicative skills. Three of them teach the English literacy, the other two teach informational literacy and one of them environmental literacy. The headmaster is one of the participants and coordinator of all three educational Grundtvig partnerships in which our school participates since 2008. What we hope to achieve by this mobility are the following: first of all in terms of knowledge we aim to increase our teacher’s awareness and creativity in the classroom. Also, after the completion of this training the participants will not only have gained the necessary knowledge of the subject of their training but they will be able to apply this knowledge to the training of adults. Also, in terms of skills we aim to increase our ability to use a range of ICT tools and new teaching methods and be able to apply them in school education and adult education. Last but not least in terms of attitudes we aim at the development of intercultural awareness and cooperation between schools and organizations in the European Union. In particular after the successful completion of the training program: “Study Visit” the trainers will be able to meet and interact with teachers, directors or managers, experts, consultants and adult school teachers in Ireland, to experience a strong and unique culture of the school, to observe innovative and collaborative approaches to learning and support European dimension in education in a sense of community. Also, after the successful completion of the training program: “Active citizenship” the trainers will be able to develop a strong sense of their own culture and identity, a knowledge and understanding of local community, project planning, leadership and management skills, an attitude of responsibility towards sustainable development, an attitude of valuing and working effectively with difference. Moreover the objective of the “soft skills” course is for trainers to learn how to communicate properly in second chance schools. However, this also has a positive effect to the participant as it contributes to his personality development as well. During this course the participant will cope with the modules such as communication and science of body language, personal communication skills and interpersonal communication Skills. Finally, the objective of the ICT course is to provide teachers with practical guidance to the use of a range of ICT tools and how to integrate them into teaching and learning processes and to reflect on how ICT can enhance students’ learning. Regarding the methodology participants will enjoy hands-on workshops, interactive sessions, collaborative group work and reflective journaling. This methodology should enable them to use ICT in class and to exploit and create ICT resources for teaching and learning. Teachers will also have sessions to analyze ways in which Information and Communication Technology can redefine the concept of critical literacy in class and its implications for students’ learning. In the other courses School visits, seminars, workshops and lectures, cultural exchanges and professional presentations and Cultural Day Visits are going to take place. The implementation of this project mobility is expected to have a big impact on instructors and especially learners because: (a) the instructor will be given the opportunity to participate in an educational process with a group of people of different ages with a strong intercultural element in order to exchange ideas and experiences, (b) Instructors will be given the opportunity to improve their skills as adult instructors, to learn about techniques and methods aimed at animating the learners and to develop their creativity. Finally, it should be noted that the benefits for the participants is not only gaining knowledge on the subject but also valuable experiences as they come into contact with different people who have different ideas and experiences on education. Living in a foreign country and attending the structures of the host country helps to open one's horizons and seeing education with a different perspective. Also, the impact concerns significantly the learners themselves who are also benefited from this program

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