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Start date: Jul 6, 2016, End date: Jul 5, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The new economic conditions which are configured today in our country and particularly in the area of northern Evros, those who are engaged in the agricultural sector have to face a series of challenges associated with the production process. The preoccupation with the primary sector requires the producer to be in a position to adopt modern knowledge and innovation in the production process, to turn to alternative crops and to create processing units. Such an economic activity, with great biodiversity and suitable soil conditions, is to develop aromatic and medicinal plants (AMP). There is great demand for these plants by buyers within and outside the country. The most important AMP which may develop in our region is the oregano, basil, fennel, sage,thyme,lavender, chamomile, lemon balm,nettle, rosemary, and siderite. The advantages of these plants is that they can be sold fresh, dried or processed with their essences (essential oils). In our country and particularly in our region, the systematic cultivation of biological ΑMP is at an embryonic stage. For this reason the Agricultural Development Ministry is trying with development laws to strengthen the production and processing of ΑMP. 1st EPAL ORESTIADAS, situated at the border rural area of northern Evros, has in operation a dynamic fieldof agricultural training, where attending pupils come mainly from rural families and given the great interest of own of pupils, parents and further regional rural associations for the AMP, we propose the implementation of this project with title "VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN CULTIVATION -PRODUCTION - PROCESSING AND MARKETING OF BIOLOGICAL AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL PLANTS". With this plan, 15 pupils (16-18 years) of the field “Agronomy Food and Environment”, with two teachers agriculturalists, will visit Limassol Cyprus for a period of two weeks aiming to receive vocational training in production, processing, processing and marketing units that deal with AMP. Students of the sector mainly come from low educational family farm environments, participate in the family farm work and have low school performance. Cyprus has been chosen as host country since the varieties ofAMP are similar with our region and the non-use of the foreign language, does not constitute an obstacle to participation of pupils with low school performance. This prevents their exclusion from such useful activities fortheir professional development, improves learning performance, limits social marginalization and the school leak. Host institution is the company P.G PLANTATION Ltd. The new economic conditions which are configured today in our country and particularly in the area of northern Evros, those who are engaged in the agricultural sector have to face a series of challenges associated with the production process. The preoccupation with the primary sector requires the producer to be in a position to adopt modern knowledge and innovation in the production process, to turn to alternative crops and to create processing units. Such an economic ac with certified structures that is strongly active in the field of ΑMP and will provide the practical exercise to pupils on cultivated areas and facilities. Also thematic seminars will be organized by specialized agriculturists for AMP such as soil requirements, combating diseases, lubrication, irrigation, collection, processing, marketing, production essential oils. Participant students will keep a calendar for each activity, will complement assessment questionnaires, and will be assessed by the host institution and people who are involved in training. In the end they will present a job description and annotation of the whole experience. The professors will also monitor the progress of the education and training and will submit a final report. With the completion of the project the prospective recipients will be able to:o Know the cultivation of ΑMP, their properties and their uses.o Have the experience and ability to grow organic. o Know the technical conversion.o Promote by appropriate technical marketing of fresh and processed products ΑMP.o Develop their business and professional skills for employment.o Gain experience with modern production technologies and certification, to evolve in contemporary entrepreneurs- farmers.o Adopt a philosophy of lifelong learning and the need for continuous improvement of knowledge. With the completion of the project will be carried out seminar dissemination and diffusion of the project results in a broader, education, business and rural world of the region. Finally long term benefits of the project is the encouragement and transfer of know-how for the cultivation of alternative organic crops ΑMP and the creation of units processing thereof, for the economic development of our site and the restraint of young people.Furthermore, cultural visits to attractions and historic monumentsof Cyprus will take place by prospective recipients of this project.
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