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Environmental curricula at agricultural universities
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

Proposed ENAGRA Project aims at modernization of curricula at four Partner agricultural Universities in Russian Federation and in Ukraine. Project results will lead to harmonization of Russian and Ukrainian higher education systems with European one ant they will directly support implementation of Bologna process in Project Partner Countries. The planned to be modernized three cycle structure curricula in the area of environmental studies will consist of the four year Bachelor program followed by two year Master program and three year PhD study. Two specialties were selected for development/modernization: 'Agroecology' for Russian Partner Universities and 'Ecology and Environmental Protection' for Ukrainian ones.During curricula modernization/development planning reference profile of professional experience, technical project of the design of subject courses within analyzed specialties and necessary educational resources will be discussed on the basis of learning outcomes. It will allow for exemplification of methodological approach for the expression and description of the curricula (modules, units and qualifications) and qualification descriptors associated with the being introduced within Bologna process so called national qualifications frameworks for Russian Federation and for Ukraine. The structure of modernized study programs will be based on EU standards comprising of 60 ECTS points per one year of study. Study programs will consist of compulsory subjects, restricted optional subjects and fully optional subjects. The teaching methodology will combine lectures, practical exercises or experiments, case works, team projects, modeling field trips, internships and thesis research. Partner Universities staff will be trained on new, advanced study subjects and new teaching methods (presentation techniques and use of ICT in education). Educational computer and environmental quality laboratories will be developed/upgraded and library resources will be updated. Selected course modules will be developed as distance and e-learning resources. New study programs will be approved by the authorities of each Partner University and they will be accredited by respective units of Ministries of Education and Science in Russian Federation and in Ukraine.

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