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Entwicklung von Lehrpersonal und Schule zur Integration von Migranten (ELSIM)
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Due to their comparable structures, Tietgen and the SZB have the opportunity, to learn from each other and to contribute to the realisation of goals from the Plan of European Development. Therefore, the goals of ELSIM are defined as follows:1. Better access for disadvantaged people (migrants) because of human resource development of teaching personnel, 2. Teaching the national language as a foreign language, 3. Quality- and class/education development.The teaching personnel shall deal with the education of migrants in so called “pre-classes” in terms of contents and methodology and access an exchange of experiences with colleagues in another country. Additionally, teaching methods for the acquisition of the national language as a foreign language will be discussed to derive consequences for class- , education-, school- and quality development in a final project phase. During the project, twelve teachers, one instructor, one qualified social education worker and one member of the school board / administration will be mobilized. The teaching personnel will work according to the goals of the projects, by applying job-shadowing, classroom visits and initiating an exchange about contents and methods with Tietgen. The mobilities will be prepared, attended and evaluated systematically. The evaluation process will be supported by the quality management group. As a result, the evaluation results will be systematically integrated in the process of school- and quality development.ELSIM is supposed to support the linguistic, methodological and intercultural competences of every participant. Moreover, the teaching personnel and one member of the school board / administration are supposed to integrate the increased competences in the class- , education-, school- and quality development. Including members of the school board / administration ensures the implementations of the results. ELSIM makes everyone who is professionally involved in school life at SZB a participant of the project. Finally, the project shall have positive effects on the education process within the classes and thus the learning development of every single student.

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