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„Entwicklung interkultureller Toleranz und Kompetenz in den Gesundheits- und Körperpflegeberufen Europas “„Development of intercultural tolerance and competence of Europe’s caring and beauty professions”
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the central ideas of our vocational school (Berufsbildende Schulen V in Halle/Saale) is it to strengthen the apprentices for their lifes, to stimulate their individual development and to fit them up with professional skills and key qualifications for their later jobs. That also means that we prepare our pupils for European Labour Market. We want to sensitize for the “come together” in our today´s Europe.Therefore they need extensive professional knowledge, a solid general education, the appropriation of language and international competences and professionalism in their jobs.Because of all the political, social and cultural changes in Europe it is necessary to train apprentices nowadays in inner-European understanding and tolerance.Our experiences, resulting from former successful projects, show, that sustainable instruction is just possible and permanently storable with intensive personal experiences.The requested project: “Development of intercultural tolerance and competence of Europe´s caring and beauty professions” shall help to get international, social and linguistic competences. It contains mobility thoughts for our trainees.With the content of the project our pupils are supported to get foreign language skills and they get sensitized for tolerance and humanity. At the same time the participants develop their own acting competences to be more independent in the future.Next to intensive personal and intercultural experiences the apprentices will get know the working conditions of people in Europe, especially in Finland, in their typical professional area. They investigate the real, legal and social conditions of their professional group and find out similarities and differences concerning tolerance behavior in Finland and Germany.During their investigation on real and social conditions the participants shall have a view on the changed European circumstances especially concerning the migration rate and the age composition of trainees and employees in their respective professional groups.The project: “Development of intercultural tolerance and competence of Europe´s caring and beauty professions” wants to work on that topic and that’s why it is requested by our vocational school (Berufsbildende Schulen V in Halle /Saale). Partner school will be the Finnish College in Oulu/Finland.Since 2011 our vocational school (Berufsbildende Schulen V in Halle /Saale) works closely together in a school partnership with North Finland´s largest College.Five groups with all in all 38 trainees of different professional specializations have the mission to work theoretically as well as practically on that topic together with Finish trainees and teachers during their 3 weeks stay in Oulo/Finland.All in all 10 participants of educational staff will support the project on respectively 3 days.The apprentices are trained in fields like health, body care and social pedagogy. They want to become medical assistants, dental professional assistants, dental technicians, beauticians, hairdressers, geriatric (male) nurses, physiotherapists or educators.The first 2 days of their stay the participants get to know their project partner for practical application and establish first connections.Together with Finish trainees the German apprentices find out the challenges of collaborative learning with migrants and get information about supporting programmes for pupils and teachers. Therefore the trainees prepare questionnaires and do interviews. Another task is it to get familiar with national typical circumstances. The German trainees work in a practice company / care company / kindergarden and learn know the circumstances of their later job in a foreign country for 2 weeks.Every participant will work in practical application under guidance and do the project task together with Finish trainees. The last week is about feedback, to reflect new knowledge and for arranging results.Teachers and pupils investigate together how integration of migrants works in the section of health and care professions. They are going to explore together which difficulties may exist in a collaborative learning process and which helpers are useful. The results of interviews and questionnaires will be methodically evaluated by all the participants. It will be the final task to represent methods for a better integration of foreign students in school and working life in an available handout for interested training companies, teachers and trainees.
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