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Entwicklung der fachspezifischen Binnendifferenzierung am Carlo-Schmid-Gymnasium mittels Best Practice / Job Shadowing im europäischen Kontext
Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Germany, we have a tripartite school system, splitting up students into two or three different academic levels after four years of primary school, the highest being a grammar school.Our school is a grammar school in a university city with a high rate of grammar school students: About 70 % attend grammar school after primary school, a part of them not according to their abilities but according to their parents' wishes and social pressure in German society.Our project is based on our experience with classes in which we teach more and more students with mixed abilities. That makes it more difficult to do justice to each of the students in his / her particular academic and social situation. As a consequence there is an increasing number of students who fail grammar school. Additionally, classroom management has become a hard task, as we try to struggle with different approaches to under- and overachievers. When visiting our partner school in Bishop Auckland, England, on a project, we were impressed by learning that teachers there have successfully used differentiation techniques in classrooms for many years. So the idea was born to profit from the rich experience in England by job-shadowing our colleagues - learning from experienced European partners instead of starting all over again and making unnecessary mistakes.As we have two bilingual classes in each year in which certain subjects are taught in English (e.g. history, geography, biology) we have chosen those subjects as a first group for our job-shadowing. The second group will concentrate on languages, expecting to profit richly from ideas how to stimulate different abilities. The third group will look at mathematics, a subject in which the gap between different abilities and the possibility of failure are particularly obvious.We are planning to go to England twice with groups of 4 colleagues each to be able to compare and to develop and learn from the first experience. We have practised "open doors" in our schol for many years now, inviting colleagues into our classes to learn from each other; and we have developed a system of feedback culture by the students which helps us to improve continually. Furthermore, a large group of colleagues is trained to use cooperative learning in classrooms. That means that we have both the structure and the motivation to implement in our curriculum what we will learn.Our aim is to be able to develop more measures for all students, including those with special needs and with migration experience. We aim at sharing our experience with other schools in our region and further, learning from European partners and including other countries too in the future.We are also planning to take courses that support our focus and in order to be able to include more colleagues in our project.

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