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ENTREPRENEURSHIP PRACTICE FIRMS SCHOOLS – “Innovative education and training solution to early school leavers”
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Early school leaving (ESL) is a multi-faceted and complex problem caused by a cumulative process of disengagement. It is a result of personal, social, economic, education or family-related reasons. In Europe, in 2012, 12.7% of all 18 to 24 years olds had not completed upper secondary education. High rates: Spain with a 31.2%, Italy with a 19.2% and Bulgaria with a 14.7%; low rates: Lithuania 8.7%. The project aims to study, design & and create a Practice Enterprise model that will contribute to the development of key, social, ICT and entrepreneurial skills in school students, aged 14-16 with a high risk to be early school leavers, to be applied afterwards in an international context. The partnership intends to lay down the fundaments of adapting the practice enterprise (PE) concept that usually is running in VET system to the school needs. The project puts together the expertise of 10 partners in Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Germany. It is a cooperation and innovation project focusing on creating a common international model for applying the PE concept to school target groups (early school leavers) and establishment of sustainable intercultural communication and networking based on the expertise of the partner organizations. The main result of the project consists of creating learning approaches and environments that stimulate the motivation of students in risk of leave the educational system, using Practice Enterprise methodology. Other results will be: Definition of new Compulsory Secondary Studies programmes and courses in schools based on the PE approach, Integrate the school staff in the PE network, Improvement of the vocational guidance activities and labour integration pathways that the schools provide to students, fostering social, ICT and entrepreneurial skills and competences, Development of supporting training pathways addressed to students with a high risk of became dropouts of learning system, Creation of a lasting cooperation between the VET and school system in the fields of entrepreneurial education and training, even in terms of sharing of good practices and development of joint courses fostering access to labour market and self-initiative The project will establish a “governance” structure in order to guarantee an effective and participated development of the project's activities on technical, operative and administrative/financial point of view. All project results are obtained through a strong commitment of the whole partnership, and will include cooperation and communication with relevant stakeholders Main activities of the project: Realisation of national studies reporting useful to collect information concerning: measures to avoid the early school leavers, and methodologies developed to achieve social, ICT and entrepreneurial skills; comparison and benchmark of the good practices; Definition of a new path including the Practice enterprise approach within school programme and courses; Definition of specific paths, focused on the user groups (students aged 14-16 I compulsory secondary system in risk of became dropouts; Networking activities with stakeholders to spread the idea of “Practice firm” and find out a possible shared implementation of the pilot experience; Training course direct to teachers concerning the PE approach and methodology; pilot experiences; Validation of the pilot experiences and the learning methodologies by directly involving students, trainers, parents, social services and employers and creation of shared guidelines Beneficiaries of the project: Direct beneficiaries:- School students (aged 14-16 years, studying in Compulsory Secondary Education in their second, third or last year; Teachers and tutors of Secondary schools supporting students teaching or guiding, and fostering entrepreneurship. Indirect beneficiaries: Schools, Parent’s associations, Social Services, Employers’ and Other local stakeholders (public authorities, Centres promoting employment, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc.) Long term impact expected: Having PE methodology in schools will help to decrease the early school leavers and to assure that all students will leave secondary school institution with the set of well developed social, ICT and entrepreneurship competencies. It will boost each country's economy and will decrease the number of dropouts of educational system and, also, will increase employment rates in the future, especially among young people. School teachers/tutors will be motivated to use new and modern training tools and methodologies. It will influence the quality of training and the satisfaction of students and teachers. Stakeholders will be more involved in school projects. It is expected to increase the number of practice firms in schools in next 5 years thanks to the dissemination of results that school operators and stakeholders will do.

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