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Entrepreneurship open learning for job creation
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the actual social and economic context, there are financial difficulties for the development of businesses ideas and create new enterprises, but there is also a lack of efficient articulation between entrepreneurial spaces organizations, research and education institutions, development agencies and potential entrepreneurs. This partnership has a European inter-regional character (organizations coming from different countries, with distinct geographical, social, cultural and economic assets) and inter-institutional nature (public and private entities, high education and research and training institutions, regional development, entrepreneurial and products promotion, regional planning organizations’). The main objectives of the proposal are : • Encourage and develop a collaborative learning and critical thinking, through the strategic use of NTIC; • Create and implement an e-learning platform, user friendly, functioning as an Open Educational Resource (OER); • Promote methodologies of open and flexible learning of the target-groups; • Improve the training and professional capacities, notably in areas of strategic development (as creation of youth own jobs and companies), organizational management and internationalization. An innovative aspect of the project is the fact that it will develop training contents to improve the capacities of the beneficiaries to create their own jobs after their superior or vocational training is concluded, being this achieved through the cooperation of a High Education Institution (public) with Development and Training organizations (private). It is intended that this contents become a reference for other organisations that could in the future use them in their own training activities. It is innovative to gather in the same platform, learning and cooperation processes, the managers and organizations responsible for entrepreneurial areas and services, and their potential clients and partners (future entrepreneurs and employees). The main final beneficiaries defined are: • Recent graduated youth (university, secondary or vocational training level) • Managers/directors of entrepreneurial infrastructures (enterprise incubators, industrial areas, logistic platforms, enterprise areas…) As activities to be undertake, are proposed the following: • development of new pedagogical approach, namely through e-learning tool and on-line collaborative platform, with co-creation of training contents for recent graduated youth, aiming their training and capacities improvement for the creation of own jobs; • develop technical criteria in innovative and efficient management of entrepreneurial infrastructures, to be applied in a self-diagnosis tool heading for managers and management organizations, so they can evaluate their performance in a qualitative way, contributing for their training and professional improvement; • in order to improve transversal basic skills (numeracy, digital and financial literacy competences), elaborate a glossary/linguistic guide, for online access and download, in the several languages of the partners, containing the main technical concepts linked to the management and creation of enterprises and entrepreneurial infrastructures; . 3 Transnational Meetings; • Multiplier Events: organization of 3 international workshops and 6 local workshops, with final beneficiaries.
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5 Partners Participants