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Entrepreneurship for a Change!
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Entrepreneurship for a Change!" is a project dedicated on the topic of entrepreneurship. It will bring to Lyon for 7 days 40 young people from France, Spain, Poland, Slovenia and Italy from October 15th-21st 2015. With this project we aim to promote entrepreneurship among young people and encourage the entrepreneurial mindset in them. EU Youth Policy promotes youth entrepreneurship as one of the main topics, as well as one of the eight key competencies. Besides being very passive, waiting for ready solutions to be offered to them, we will motivate young people to become pro-active, gain creative attitude, to motivate them to come up with their own initiatives and turn their ideas into action. "Entrepreneurship for a Change!" will enable the young people to reflect about what it means to be an entrepreneur and how they themselves might become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship should not be taken only as a business concept, it brings within the creative activity in the field of art, sport, science and technology or in the NGO field. We will enable young people to explore these various aspects of entrepreneurship, discuss about the characteristics of an entrepreneur and discover their own ideas that they could turn into action. Young people will also be informed about various forms of support for young entrepreneurs and they will receive basics of project management. The Erasmus+ programme will be presented also as a tool for promotion of entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on Youth Initiatives. The aim of the project is to encourage and empower young people, to make them realize that entrepreneurship can be an option also for them. Rising youth unemployment is a serious problem, particularly now due to the economic crisis. We believe that entrepreneurship skills can increase the employability of young people. Some of them can even decide to create their own "jobs". The programme of the youth exchange will use various methodologies - presentations of good practices from various countries, discussions and reflection workshops, simulation games, practical exercises, case studies, etc. Our aim is to involve also local entrepreneurs and enable them to share their experience with young people. An important part of the project is also visibility and dissemination of results. We will promote youth entrepreneurship also among general public through this project.
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