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Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

Youth of Europe is the future of Europe.To support young people at successful pathways from the world of education to the world of work has educational, human, social, economic dimensions. The Lisbon process concerning the educational benchmarks related to young people was not successful enough in the last 10 years to guarantee sufficient base competences of young people for world of work. Additional key competences like entrepreneurial spirit became more and more important. The network "Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work" (EE&WOW) combines the dimensions of entrepreneurial spirit, career management skills and transition to WOW with the value of networks, policies and governance for EE&WOW under educational, employment and social perspectives. The outcomes of the network will be clear focussed recommendations for "Dos and Don'ts" concerning the issues of the network. These results were developed in clear focused working structures to the topics "Entrepreneurship", "Career management skills", "Networks, policies, governance". These recommendations are addressed to practitioners in working areas like school, supporting institutions, Social partners, PES etc. as well as to stakeholders, policy makers local, regional, national authorities and on European level. Output, results and products of the network will support practitioners in school and entrepreneurship education to improve pedagogical performance, to help young people to develop competences concerning career management skills, key competences, entrepreneurial spirit as a base for successful pathways from education to world of work.Additional the results and the products give recommendations to stakeholders and policy makers in the fields of education, employment and social affaires for a broader, wider and deeper, more integrated view of common perspectives in the world of entrepreneurship education, the world of work concerning the concrete successful pathways of young people in Europe.
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9 Partners Participants