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Entrepreneurship as a tool of integration
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Unemployment is still seen as a problem in most European countries. According to Eurostat, the EU-27 unemployment rate for low-qualified adults is considerably higher than for higher-skilled adults. In this context, becoming an entrepreneur in one of the partner countries represents a quite difficult thing to do especially if you are also an adult over 45 years old, unemployed and with low financial resources; to all this if we add the that the adult has a child with special needs, the situation becomes more and more challenging. The project „Enterpreneurship as a tool of integration” follows the socio-economic integration of unemployed parents that have children with special needs addressing important aspects of their lives: on one side is focus on the improvement of psycho-emotional situation of the parents to participate actively in the socio-economic life of society and their training in the field of social entrepreneurship and on the other side it creates opportunities for cooperation between parents not only local but also at European level. The project will also offer the opportunity for the participants to adapt advanced methods of ICT training in order to facilitate their efforts in entrepreneurial skills. The project is in line with increasing living standards and quality of life of families that face financial and socio-emotional difficulties due to the situation of having a child with special needs. The specific objectives of the proposal are: • Improvement of psycho-emotional situation of 84 parents to participate actively in the socio-economic life of society • Training of 28 parents in order to acquire knowledge and practical skills of social entrepreneurship • Facilitating communication and cooperation between 84 unemployed parents who have children with special needs • Acquiring knowledge and skills in the use ICT tools, online promotion and sale among 28 entrepreneurs parents The project fits to SP aims as: - fostering the provision and the assessment of transversal skills particularly entrepreneurship and digital skills - promote the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experience - support the production and adoption of OER in diverse European languages - use of European reference tools for the recognition, validation and transparency of competences and qualifications - promote employability and business creation (including social entrepreneurship) The project includes activities that facilitate the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning. There will be developed activities as training courses, (1 training „social enterpreneurship”, 1 training „ICT tools, online promotion and sells), workshops (therapeutic workshops, handcrafts workshops), seminars (Teamwork and development of associative skills, „Legislation for social entreprises”), events (the fair), study visits to social enterprises. The partners will create a course curricula in the field of social entrepreneurship which will be authorized and certified, thus given the possibility for other persons to attend this course even after the end of the project. The course will have a strong European component due to the fact that it will be the result of the common effort of the partners. An website will be created - as a tool to learn how to become a social entrepreneur and to sell products in online environment and will be a reliable open sourse of training for other unemplyed parents that are having children with special needs but also a sourse of promotion of the training course which will attract various adults interested of this topic. The target group of parents will make various handcrafts products to be sold during the fair for the benefits of local community members. The project results are: - 28 parents will acquire knowledge and practical abilities in the field of social entrepreneurship - 84 parents will develop an active behavior, positive ideas and attitudes to find solutions for socio-economical integration - 84 parents will develop their cooperation and communication capacity with other parents - 28 parents will develop their knowledge and skills in the field of using ICT, online selling and promotion of a product. - 5 study visits will be organised to social entreprises - 1500 persons will participate at the handcrafts fair These parents will integrate better into socio-economic life of society, will be able to put into practice a business ideea, will be able to work in team and will be aware of the associative advantages, will learn how a social entreprise is organized, will have ICT skills, and will be able to promote and sell products in the online environment, will have self-esteem and confidence. Basicly they will get skills and atitudes to create financial possibilities and to provide a better growing up and educational environment for their children.
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3 Partners Participants